
The Kamin Interpreters in C++

This paper describes C++ implementations of the interpreters in the book
\Programming Languages: An Interpreter-Based Approach"
by Samuel Kamin (Addison-Wesley, 1989).

Timothy Budd
September 11, 1991

Updated by Henry G. Weller
January 25, 2014


This paper describes a series of interpreters for the languages used in the book \Programming Languages: An Interpreter-Based Approach" by Samuel Kamin (Addison-Wesley, 1989). Unlike the interpreters provided by Kamin, which are written in Pascal, these interpreters are written in C++. It is my belief that the use of inheritance in C++ better illustrates the unique features of each of the several languages. In the Pascal versions of the interpreters the dierences between the various interpreters, although small, are scattered throughout the code. In the C++ versions dierences are produced using only the mechanism of subclassing. This means that the vast majority of code remains the same, and dierences can be much more precisely isolated.

The chapters in this report correspond to the chapters in the original text. Where motivational or background material is provided in that source it is generally omitted here. A major exception is in those places (chiey chapters 3, 7 and 8) where I have selected a syntax slightly dierent from that provided by Kamin.

The use of an Object-Oriented language for the interpreters may seem a bit incongruous, since Object-Oriented programming is not discussed until Chapter 7. Nevertheless, I think the benets of programming the interpreters in C++ outweighs this problem.

 1.1 The Main Program
 1.2 Readers
 1.3 Environments
 1.4 Expressions
 1.5 Functions
 1.6 The Basic Evaluator
 1.7 Initializing the Run-Time Environment
 2.1 The Lisp reader
 2.2 Value-ops
 2.3 Initialization of the Lisp Interpreter
 3.1 APL Values
 3.2 The APL Reader
 3.3 APL Functions
 3.4 Initialization of the APL interpreter
 5.1 Lazy Cons
 5.2 Lazy User Functions
 6.1 Clusters
 6.2 Selectors and Modiers
 6.3 Dening clusters
 7.1 Objects and Methods
 7.2 Classes
 7.3 Symbols and Integers
 7.4 Smalltalk reader
 7.5 The big bang
 8.1 Unication
 8.2 Symbol Management
 8.3 Backtracking


1 The Basic Interpreter
 1.1 The Main Program
 1.2 Readers
 1.3 Environments
 1.4 Expressions
  1.4.1 The Abstract Class
  1.4.2 Integers
  1.4.3 Symbols
  1.4.4 Lists
 1.5 Functions
 1.6 The Basic Evaluator
  1.6.1 The dene statement
  1.6.2 Built-In Statements
  1.6.3 The value-Ops
 1.7 Initializing the Run-Time Environment
2 The Lisp Interpreter
 2.1 The Lisp reader
 2.2 Value-ops
  2.2.1 Relationals
  2.2.2 Car, Cdr and Cons
  2.2.3 Predicates
 2.3 Initialization of the Lisp Interpreter
3 The APL Interpreter
 3.1 APL Values
 3.2 The APL Reader
 3.3 APL Functions
  3.3.1 Scalar Functions
  3.3.2 Reduction
  3.3.3 Compression
  3.3.4 Shape and Reshape
  3.3.5 Ravel and Index
  3.3.6 Catenation
  3.3.7 Transpose
  3.3.8 Subscription
 3.4 Initialization of the APL interpreter
4 The Scheme Interpreter
5 The SASL interpreter
  5.0.1 Thunks
 5.1 Lazy Cons
 5.2 Lazy User Functions
6 The CLU interpreter
 6.1 Clusters
 6.2 Selectors and Modiers
 6.3 Dening clusters
7 The Smalltalk interpreter
 7.1 Objects and Methods
 7.2 Classes
 7.3 Symbols and Integers
 7.4 Smalltalk reader
 7.5 The big bang
8 The Prolog interpreter
 8.1 Unication
 8.2 Symbol Management
 8.3 Backtracking

List of Figures

1.1 The Expression class Hierarchy in Chapter 1
1.2 Type safe object test and conversion
2.1 Classes added in Chapter Two
3.1 The APL interpreter class hierarchy
5.1 Class Hierarchy for expressions in the SASL interpreter
6.1 Class Hierarchy for the CLU interpreter
7.1 Expression class hierarchy for Smalltalk interpreter


1 The Basic Interpreter
 1.1 The Main Program
 1.2 Readers
 1.3 Environments
 1.4 Expressions
  1.4.1 The Abstract Class
  1.4.2 Integers
  1.4.3 Symbols
  1.4.4 Lists
 1.5 Functions
 1.6 The Basic Evaluator
  1.6.1 The dene statement
  1.6.2 Built-In Statements
  1.6.3 The value-Ops
 1.7 Initializing the Run-Time Environment
2 The Lisp Interpreter
 2.1 The Lisp reader
 2.2 Value-ops
  2.2.1 Relationals
  2.2.2 Car, Cdr and Cons
  2.2.3 Predicates
 2.3 Initialization of the Lisp Interpreter
3 The APL Interpreter
 3.1 APL Values
 3.2 The APL Reader
 3.3 APL Functions
  3.3.1 Scalar Functions
  3.3.2 Reduction
  3.3.3 Compression
  3.3.4 Shape and Reshape
  3.3.5 Ravel and Index
  3.3.6 Catenation
  3.3.7 Transpose
  3.3.8 Subscription
 3.4 Initialization of the APL interpreter
4 The Scheme Interpreter
5 The SASL interpreter
  5.0.1 Thunks
 5.1 Lazy Cons
 5.2 Lazy User Functions
6 The CLU interpreter
 6.1 Clusters
 6.2 Selectors and Modiers
 6.3 Dening clusters
7 The Smalltalk interpreter
 7.1 Objects and Methods
 7.2 Classes
 7.3 Symbols and Integers
 7.4 Smalltalk reader
 7.5 The big bang
8 The Prolog interpreter
 8.1 Unication
 8.2 Symbol Management
 8.3 Backtracking

Chapter 1
The Basic Interpreter

The structure of our basic interpreter1 diers somewhat from that described by Kamin. Our interpreter is structured around a small main program which manipulates three distinct types of data structures. The main program is shown in Figure 1.1, and will be discussed in more detail in the next section. Each of the three main data structures is represented by a C++ class, such is subclassed in various ways by the dierent interpreters. The three varieties of data structures are the following:

In subsequent sections we will explore in more detail each of these data structures.

1.1 The Main Program

Figure 1.1 shows the main program, 2 which denes the top level control for the interpreters. The same main program is used for each of the interpreters. Indeed, the vast majority of code remains constant throughout the interpreters.

int main() 
    Expr entered;               // expression as entered by users 
    // Common initialization 
    emptyList = new ListNode(0, 0); 
    globalEnvironment = new Environment(emptyList, emptyList, 0); 
    valueOps = new Environment(emptyList, emptyList, 0); 
    commands = new Environment(emptyList, emptyList, valueOps); 
    // Interpreterspecific initialization (sets reader pointer) 
    reader = initialize(); 
    // Now the readevalprint loop 
    while (1) 
        entered = reader->promptAndRead(); 
        // Now see if expression is quit 
        Symbol* sym = entered()->isSymbol(); 
        if (sym && (*sym == "quit")) 
        // Nothing else, must just be an expression 
        entered.evalAndPrint(commands, globalEnvironment); 
    // Delete the dynamicallyallocated reader 
    delete reader; 
    // Explicitly free the globalEnvironment 
    // because there is a reference counting problem with it 
    // globalEnvironment.operator Environment()>free(); 
    // delete globalEnvironment.operator Environment(); 
    return 0; 
Listing 1.1: The Read-Eval-Print Loop for the interpreters

The structure of the main program is very simple. To begin, a certain amount of initialization is necessary. There are four global variables found in all the interpreters. The variable emptyList contains a list with no elements. (We will return to a discussion of lists in Section 1.4.4). The three environments globalEnvironment, valueOps and commands represent the top-level context for the interpreters. The globalEnvironment contains those symbols that are accessible at the top level. The valueOps are those operations that can be performed at any level, but which are not symbols themselves that can be manipulated by the user. Finally commands are those functions that can be invoked only at the top level of execution. That is, commands cannot be executed within function denitions.

Following the common initialization the function initialize is called to provide interpreter-specic initialization. This chiey consists of adding values to the three environments. This function is changed in each of the various interpreters.

The heart of the system is a single loop, which executes until the user types the directive quit.3 The reader (which must be dened as part of the interpreter-specic initialization) requests a value from the user. After testing for the the quit directive, the entered expression is evaluated. We will defer an explaination of the evalAndPrint method until Section 1.4, merely noting here that it evaluates the expression the user has entered and prints the result. The read-eval-print cycle then continues.

1.2 Readers

Readers are implemented by instances of class Reader, shown in Figure 1.2. The only public function performed by this class is provided by the method promptAndRead, which prints the interpreter prompt, waits for input from the user, and then parses the input into a legal, but unevaluated, expression (usually a symbol, integer or list-expression). These actions are implemented by a variety of utility routines, which are declared as protected so that they may be made available to later subclasses.

class ReaderClass 
    // Input buffer size 
    static const int bufferSize = 1000; 
    // The input buffer 
    char buffer[bufferSize]; 
    // Current location in buffer 
    char* p; 
    // Print prompt 
    void printPrimaryPrompt() const; 
    // Print secondary prompt 
    void printSecondaryPrompt() const; 
    // Remove nn 
    char* removeNewline(char* s) const; 
    // Read input into buffer 
    void fillInputBuffer(); 
    // Separator predicate 
    int isSeparator(int) const; 
    // Skip spaces 
    void skipSpaces(); 
    // Skip new lines 
    void skipNewlines(); 
    // Read integer 
    int readInteger(); 
    // Read symbol 
    Symbol* readSymbol(); 
    // Read List 
    ListNode* readList(); 
    // Read expression function that can be overridden for particular languages 
    virtual Expression* readExpression(); 
    // Print prompt and read next statement 
    Expression* promptAndRead(); 
Listing 1.2: Class Description of the reader class

Expression* ReaderClass::promptAndRead() 
    // loop until the user types something 
    } while (!*p); 
    // now that we have something, break it apart 
    Expression* val = readExpression(); 
    // make sure we are at and of line 
    if (*p) 
        error("unexpected characters at end of line:", p); 
    return val; 
Listing 1.3: The Method promptandRead from class Reader

The code that implements this data structure is relatively straight-forward, and most of it will not be presented here. The main method is the single public-accessible routine promptAndRead, which is shown in Figure 1.3. This method loops until the user enters an expression. The method llInputBuer places the instance pointer p at the rst non-space character (also stripping out comments). Thus lines containing only spaces, newlines, or comments are handled quickly here, and cause no further action. Also, as have noted previously, an end-of-input indication is caught by the method llInputBuer, which then places the quit command in the input buer. The method readExpression (Figure 1.4) is the parser used to break the input into an unevaluated expression. This method is declared virtual, and thus can be redened in subclasses. The base method recognizes only integers, symbols, and lists. The routine to read a list recursively calls the method to read an expression.

Expression* ReaderClass::readExpression() 
    // see if it's an integer 
    if (isdigit(*p)) 
        return new IntegerExpression(readInteger()); 
    // might be a signed integer 
    if ((*p == '') && isdigit(*(p + 1))) 
        return new IntegerExpression(-readInteger()); 
    // or it might be a list 
    if (*p == '(') 
        return readList(); 
    // otherwise it must be a symbol 
    return readSymbol(); 
ListNode* ReaderClass::readList() 
    // skipNewlines will issue secondary prompt 
    // until a valid character is typed 
    // if end of list, return empty list 
    if (*p == ')') 
        return emptyList; 
    // now we have a nonempty character 
    Expression* val = readExpression(); 
    return new ListNode(val, readList()); 
Listing 1.4: The method readExpression and readList

1.3 Environments

As we have noted already, the Environment data structure is used to maintain symbol-value pairings. In addition to the global environments dened during initialization, environments are created for argument lists passed to functions, and in various other contexts by some of the later interpreters. Environments can be linked together, so that if a symbol is not found in one environment another can be automatically searched. This facilitates lexical scoping, for example.

For reasons having to do with memory management, the Environment data structure, shown in Figure 1.5, is declared as a subclass of the class Expression. Unlike other expressions, however, environments are never directly manipulated by the user. Also for memory management reasons, there is a class Env declared which can maintain a pointer to an environment. The two methods dened in class Env set and return this value. Anytime a pointer is to be maintained for any period of time, such as the link eld in an environment, it is held in a variable declared as Env rather than as a pointer directly. Finally the overridden virtual methods isEnvironment and free in class Environment are also related to memory management, and we will defer a discussion of these until the next section.

class Env 
    public Expr 
    inline Env(); 
    inline Env(Environment* r); 
    inline operator Environment*(); 
    inline void operator=(Environment* r); 
class Environment 
    public Expression 
    // Symbols 
    List names_; 
    // Values associated with the symbols 
    List values_; 
    // Link to parent environment 
    Environment* parent_; 
    // Construct from components 
    Environment(ListNode*, ListNode*, Environment*); 
    // Delete according to reference counts 
    virtual ~Environment(); 
    // Specialised type predicate 
    virtual Environment* isEnvironment(); 
    // Lookup symbol in 
    Expression* lookup(const Symbol*); 
    // Add symbol with expression to the environment 
    void add(Symbol*, Expression*); 
    // Set symbol to expression in the environment 
    void set(Symbol*, Expression*); 
Listing 1.5: The Environment data structure

The three methods used to manipulate environments are lookup, add and set. The rst attempts to nd the value of the symbol given as argument, returning a null pointer if no value exists. The method add adds a new symbol-value pair to the front of the current environment. The method set is used to redene an existing value. If the symbol is not found in the current environment and there is a valid link to another environment the linked environment is searched. If the link eld is null (that is, there is no next environment), the symbol and valued are added to the current environment.

Environments are implemented using the List data structure, a form of Expression we will describe in more detail in Section 1.4.4. Two parallel lists contain the symbol keys and their associated values. For the moment it is only necessary to characterize lists by four operations. A list is composed of list nodes (elements of class ListNode). Each node contains an expression (the head) and, recursively, another list. The special value emptyList, which we have already encountered, terminates every list. The operation head returns the rst element of a list node. When provided with an argument, the operation head can be used to modify this rst element. The operation tail returns the remainder of the list. Finally the operation isNil returns true if and only if the list is the empty list.

Expression* Environment::lookup(const Symbol* sym) 
    ListNode* nameit = names_; 
    ListNode* valueit = values_; 
    while (!nameit->isNil()) 
        if (*sym == nameit->head()) 
            return valueit->head(); 
        nameit = nameit->tail(); 
        valueit = valueit->tail(); 
    // Otherwise see if we can find it on somebody elses list 
    if (parent_) 
        return parent_->lookup(sym); 
    // Symbol not found, return nil value 
    return 0; 
Listing 1.6: The method lookup in class Environment

Figure 1.6 shows the method lookup, which is dened in terms of these four operations. The while loop cycles over the list of keys until the end (empty list) is reached. Each key is tested against the argument key, using the equality test provided by the class Symbol. Once a match is found the associated value is returned.

If the entire list of names is searched with no match found, if there is a link to another environment the lookup message is passed to that environment. If there is no link, a null value is returned.

The routine to add a new value to an environment (Figure 1.7) merely attaches a new name and value to the beginning of the respective lists. Note by attaching to be beginning of a list this will hide any existing binding of the name, although such a situation will not often occur. The method set searches for an existing binding, replacing it if found, and only adding the new element to the nal environment if no binding can be located.

void Environment::add(Symbol* s, Expression* v) 
    names_ = new ListNode(s, names_.operator ListNode*()); 
    values_ = new ListNode(v, values_.operator ListNode*()); 
void Environment::set(Symbol* sym, Expression* value) 
    ListNode* nameit = names_; 
    ListNode* valueit = values_; 
    while (!nameit->isNil()) 
        if (*sym == nameit->head()) 
        nameit = nameit->tail(); 
        valueit = valueit->tail(); 
    // Otherwise see if we can find it on somebody elses list 
    if (parent_) 
        parent_->set(sym, value); 
    // not found and we're the end of the line, just add 
    add(sym, value); 
Listing 1.7: Methods used to Insert into an environment

1.4 Expressions

The class Expression is a root for a class hierarchy that contains the majority of classes dened in these interpreters. Figure 1.1 shows a portion of this class hierarchy. We have already seen that environments are a form of expression, as are integers, symbols, lists and functions.


Figure 1.1: The Expression class Hierarchy in Chapter 1

1.4.1 The Abstract Class

The major purposes of the abstract class Expression (Figure 1.8) are to perform memory management functions, to permit conversions from one type to another in a safe manner, and to dene protocol for evaluation and printing of expression values. The latter is easist to dismiss. The virtual methods eval and print provide for evaluation and printing of values. The eval method takes as argument a target expression to which the evaluated expression will be assigned, as well as two environments. The rst environment contains the list of legal value-ops for the expression, while the second is the more general environment in which the expression is to be evaluated. The default method for eval merely assigns the current expression to the target. This suces for objects, such as integers, which yield themselves no matter how many times they are evaluated. The default method print, on the other hand, prints an error message. Thus this method should always be overridden in subclasses.

class Expression 
    // The referencecount for GC 
    mutable int referenceCount; 
    friend class Expr; 
    // Construct null 
    // Delete according to reference counts 
    virtual ~Expression(); 
    // Evaluate expression 
    virtual void eval(Expr&, Environment*, Environment*); 
    // Print 
    virtual void print(); 
    // Conversion/type predicates 
    virtual Expression* touch(); 
    virtual IntegerExpression* isInteger(); 
    virtual Symbol* isSymbol(); 
    virtual Function* isFunction(); 
    virtual ListNode* isList(); 
    virtual Environment* isEnvironment(); 
    virtual APLValue* isAPLValue(); 
    virtual Method* isMethod(); 
    virtual Environment* isCluster(); 
    virtual PrologValue* isPrologValue(); 
    virtual Continuation* isContinuation(); 
Listing 1.8: The Class Expression

Memory Management

For long running programs it is imperative that memory associated with unused expressions be recovered by the underlying operating system. This is accomplished in these interpreters through the mechanism of reference counts. Every expression contains a reference count eld, which is initially set to zero by the constructor in class Expression. The integer value maintained in this eld represents the number of pointers that reference the object. When this count becomes zero, no pointers refer to the object and the memory associated with it can be recovered.

The maintenance of reference counts if peformed by the class Expr (Figure 1.9). As with the class Env we have already encountered, the class Expr is a holder class, which maintains an expression pointer. A value can be inserted into an Expr either through construction or the assignment operator. A value can be retrieved either though the protected method val or, as a notational convenience, through the parenthesis operator. The method evalAndPrint, as have noted already, merely passes the eval message on to the underlying expression and prints the resulting value.

class Expr 
    // The expression 
    Expression* value_; 
    // Return the expression 
    Expression* val() 
        return value_; 
    // Construct null setting the value to 0 
    // Construct from given expression 
    // Construct copy incrementing reference count 
    // Delete according to reference counts 
    // Return the expression 
    Expression* operator()() 
        return value_; 
    // Set/reset expression 
    void operator=(Expression*); 
    // Evaluate and print the expression 
    void evalAndPrint(Environment*, Environment*); 
Listing 1.9: The class Expr

Figure 1.10 gives the implementation of the constructor and assignment operator for class Expr. The constructor takes an optional pointer to an expression, which may be a null expression (the default). If the expression is non-null, the reference count for the expression is incremented. Similarly, the assignment operator rst increments the reference count of the new expression. Then it decrements the reference count of the existing expression (if non-null), and if the reference count reaches zero, the memory is released, using the system function delete. Immediately prior to destruction, the virtual method free is invoked. Classes can override this method to provide any necessary class-specic maintenance. For example, the class Environment (Figure 1.5) assigns null values to the structures theNames, theValues and theLink, thereby possibly triggering the release of their storage as well.

Expr::Expr(Expression* val) 
    if (value_) 
Expr::Expr(Expr& val) 
    if (value_) 
void Expr::operator=(Expression* newvalue) 
    // increment right hand side of assignment 
    if (newvalue) 
    // decrement left hand side of assignment 
    if (value_) 
        if (value_->referenceCount == 0) 
            delete value_; 
    // then do the assignment 
    value_ = newvalue; 
Listing 1.10: Assignment and Initialization of Expressions

Type Conversion

A common diculty in a statically typed language such as C++ is the container problem. Elements placed into a general purpose data structure, such as a list, must have a known type. Generally this is accomplished by declaring such elements as a general type, such as Expression. But in reality such elements are usually instances of a more specic subclass, such as an integer or a symbol. When we remove these values from the list, we would like to be able to recover the original type.

There are actually two steps in the solution of this problem. The rst step is testing the type of an object, to see if it is of a certain form. The second step is to legally assign the object to a variable declared as the more specic class. In these interpreters the mechanism of virtual methods is used to combine these two functions. In the abstract class Expression a number of virtual functions are dened, such as isInteger and isEnvironment. These are declared as returning a pointer type. The default behavior, as provided by class Expression, is to return a null pointer. In an appropriate class, however, this method is overridden so as to return the current element. That is, the class associated with integers overrides isInteger, the class associated with symbols overrides isSymbol, and so on. Figure 1.2 shows the two denitions of isEnvironment, the rst from class Expression and the second from class Environment. By testing whether the result of this method is non-null or not, one can not only test the type of an object but one can assign the value to a specic class pointer without compromising type safety. An example bit of code is provided in Figure 1.2 that illustrates the use of these functions.

Environment* Expression::isEnvironment() 
    return 0; 
Environment* Environment::isEnvironment() 
    return this; 
Expression* a = new Symbol("test"); 
Expression* b = new Environment(emptyList, emptyList, 0); 
Environment* c = a->isEnvironment();   // will yield null 
Environment* d = b->isEnvironment();   // will yield the environment 
if (c) 
    cout<< "c is an environment";  // won't happen 
if (d) 
    cout<< "d is an environment";  // will happen 

Figure 1.2: Type safe object test and conversion

The method touch presents a slightly dierent situation. It is dened in the abstract class to merely return the object to which the message is sent. That is, it is a null-operation. In Chapter 5, when we introduce delayed evaluation, we will dene a type of expression which is not evaluated until it is needed. This expression will override the touch method to force evaluation at that point.

1.4.2 Integers

Internally within the interpreters integers are represented by the class IntegerExpression (Figure 1.11). The actual integer value is maintained as a private value set as part of the construction process. This value can be accessed via the method val. The only overridden methods are the print method, which prints the integer value, and the isInteger method, which yields the current object.

class IntegerExpression 
    public Expression 
    // The integer value 
    int value_; 
    // Construct 
    IntegerExpression(const int v) 
        value_ = v; 
    // Specialised type predicate 
    virtual IntegerExpression* isInteger(); 
    // Return the integer value 
    int val() 
        return value_; 
    // Print 
    virtual void print(); 
Listing 1.11: The class IntegerExpression

1.4.3 Symbols

Symbols are used to represent uninterpreted character strings, for example identier names. Instances of class Symbol (Figure 1.12) maintain the text of their value in a private instance variable. This character pointer can be recovered via the method chars. Storage for this text is allocated as part of the construction process, and deleted by the virtual method free. The equality testing operators return true if the current symbol matches the text of the argument.

class Symbol 
    public Expression 
    // The symbol name 
    char* name_; 
    // Construct given the name 
    Symbol(const char* name); 
    // Destructor which deletes the name 
    virtual ~Symbol(); 
    // Evaluate the symbol 
    virtual void eval(Expr&, Environment*, Environment*); 
    // Print 
    virtual void print(); 
    // Specialised type predicate 
    virtual Symbol* isSymbol(); 
    // Compare with the given expression 
    int operator==(Expression*) const; 
    // Compare with the given name 
    int operator==(const char*) const; 
    // Return the symbol's name 
    const char* name() const 
        return name_; 
Listing 1.12: The class Symbol

Figure 1.12 also shows the implementation of the method eval in the class Symbol. When a symbol is evaluated it is used as a key to index the current environment. If found the (possibly touched) associated value is assigned to the target. If it is not found an error message is generated. The routine error always yields a null expression.

1.4.4 Lists

We have already encountered the behavior of the List data structure (Figure 1.13) in the discussion of environments. As with expressions and environments, lists are represented by a pair of classes. The rst, class ListNode, maintains the actual list data. The second, class List, is merely a pointer to a list node, and exists only to provide memory management operations.

Only one feature of the latter class deserves comment; rather than overloading the parenthesis operator the class List denes a conversion operator which permits instances of class List to be converted without comment to ListNodes. Thus in most cases a List can be used where a ListNode is expected, and the conversion will be implicitly dened. We have seen this already, without having noted the fact, in several places where the variable emptyList (an instance of class List) was used in situations where an instance of class ListNode was required.

class ListNode 
    public Expression 
    // The head element of conscell 
    Expr head_; 
    // The tail element of a conscell 
    Expr tail_; 
    // Construct from the head and tail elements 
    ListNode(Expression*, Expression*); 
    // Delete according to reference counts 
    virtual ~ListNode(); 
    // Evaluate the list 
    virtual void eval(Expr&, Environment*, Environment*); 
    // Return the head 
    virtual Expression* head() 
        return head_(); 
    // Set the head 
    void head(Expression* x); 
    // Return the tail 
    ListNode* tail(); 
    // Specialised type predicate 
    virtual ListNode* isList(); 
    // Empty list predicate 
    int isNil(); 
    // Return the number of elements in the list O(1) 
    int length(); 
    // Return element at index 
    Expression* at(const int index); 
    // Print 
    virtual void print(); 
class List 
    public Expr 
    // Null constructor 
    // Construct from ListNode incrementing referencecount 
    List(ListNode* r) 
    // Return the ListNode if set 
    ListNode* operator()() 
        return val() ? val()->isList() : 0; 
    // Cast to ListNode 
    operator ListNode*() 
        return operator()(); 
    // Set/reset the ListNode 
    void operator=(ListNode* r) 
Listing 1.13: The classes List and ListNode

The actual list data is maintained in the instance variables h and t, which we have already noted can be retrieved (and, in the case of the h, set) by the methods head and tail. The method length returns the length of a list, and the method at permits a list to be indexed as an array, starting with zero for the head position.

The majority of methods, such as length, at, print, are simple recursive routines, and will not be discussed. Only one method is suciently complex to deserve comment, and this is the procedure used to evaluate a list. A list is interpreted as a function call, and thus the evaluation of a list involves nding the indicated function and invoking it, passing as arguments the remainder of the list. These actions are performed by the method eval shown in Figure 1.14. An empty list always evaluates to itself. Otherwise the rst argument to the list is examined. If it is a symbol, a test is performed to see if it is one of the value-ops. If it is not found on the value-op list the rst element is evaluated, whether or not it is a symbol. Generally this will yield a function value. If so, the method apply, which we will discuss in the next section, is used to invoke the function. If the rst argument did not evaluate to a function an error is indicated.

void ListNode::eval(Expr& target, Environment* valueops, Environment* rho) 
    // an empty list evaluates to nil 
    if (isNil()) 
        target = this; 
    // if first argument is a symbol, see if it is a command 
    Expression* firstarg = head(); 
    Expression* fun = 0; 
    const Symbol* name = firstarg->isSymbol(); 
    if (name) 
        fun = valueops->lookup(name); 
    // otherwise evaluate it in the given environment 
    if (!fun) 
        firstarg->eval(target, valueops, rho); 
        fun = target(); 
    // now see if it is a function 
    Function* theFun = 0; 
    if (fun) 
        theFun = fun->isFunction(); 
    if (theFun) 
        theFun->apply(target, tail(), rho); 
        target = error("evaluation of unknown function"); 
Listing 1.14: The method eval from class List

1.5 Functions

If expressions are the heart of the interpreter, then functions are the muscles that keep the heart working. All behavior, statements, valueops, as well as user-dened functions, are implemented as subclasses of class Function (Figure 1.15). As we noted in the last section, when a function (written as a list expression) is evaluated the method apply (Figure 1.16) in invoked. This method takes as argument the target for the evaluation and a list of unevaluated arguments. The default behavior in class Function is to evaluate the arguments, using the simple recursive routine evalArgs, then invoke the method applyWithArgs.

class Function 
    public Expression 
    // Specialised type predicate 
    virtual Function* isFunction(); 
    // Apply function to given list in given environment and return result 
    virtual void apply(Expr& result, ListNode*, Environment*); 
    // Apply function with arguments to given list in given environment 
    //  and return result 
    virtual void applyWithArgs(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
    // isClosure is recognized only by functions 
    virtual int isClosure(); 
    // Print 
    virtual void print(); 
Listing 1.15: The class Function

static ListNode* evalArgs(ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    if (args->isNil()) 
        return args; 
    Expression* first = args->head(); 
    Expr newhead; 
    first->eval(newhead, valueOps, rho); 
    return new ListNode(newhead(), evalArgs(args->tail(), rho)); 
void Function::apply(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    // Hold the newargs as a List to ensure garbage collection 
    List newargs(evalArgs(args, rho)); 
    applyWithArgs(target, newargs, rho); 
Listing 1.16: The class Function method apply

Both the methods apply and applyWithArgs are declared as virtual, and can thus be overridden in subclasses. Those function that do not evaluate their arguments, such as the functions implementing the control structures of Chapter 1, override the apply method. Function that do evaluate their arguments, such as the majority of value-Ops, override the applyWithArgs method.

Two subclasses of Function deserve mention. The class UnaryFunction overrides apply to test that only one argument has been provided. Similarly the class BinaryFunction tests for exactly two arguments. The remaining major subclass of Function is the class UserFunction. We will defer a discussion of this until we examine the implementation of the dene statement.

1.6 The Basic Evaluator

We are now in a position to nally describe the characteristics that are unique to the basic evaluator of chapter one. This interpreter recognizes one command (the dene statement), several built-in statements (if, while, set, and begin), and a number of value-ops. All are implemented internally as functions. What syntactic category a symbol is associated with is determined by what environment it is placed on, and not by the structure of the function.

1.6.1 The dene statement

The dene statement is implemented as the single instance of the class DeneStatement (Figure 1.17), entered with the key \dene" in the commands environment. The class overrides the virtual method apply (Figure 1.18), since it must access its arguments before they are evaluated. It tests that the arguments are exactly three in number, and that the rst is a symbol and the second a list. If no errors are detected, an instance of the class UserFunction is created and and set in the current (always global) environment.

class DefineStatement 
    public Function 
    virtual void apply(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
Listing 1.17: Declaration of the dene statement

void DefineStatement::apply(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    if (args->length() != 3) 
        target = error("define requires three arguments"); 
    Symbol* name = args->at(0)->isSymbol(); 
    if (!name) 
        target = error("define missing name"); 
    ListNode* argNames = args->at(1)->isList(); 
    if (!argNames) 
        target = error("define missing arg names"); 
    rho->add(name, new UserFunction(argNames, args->at(2), rho)); 
    // yield as value the name of the function 
    target = name; 
Listing 1.18: Implementation of the dene statement method apply

The class UserFunction created by the dene statement is similarly a subclass of class Function (Figure ??). User functions maintain in instance variables the list of argument names, the body of the function, and the lexical context in which they are to execute. These values are set by the constructor when the function is dened, and freed by the virtual method free when no longer needed.

class UserFunction 
    public Function 
    List argNames_; 
    Expr body_; 
    Environment* context_; 
    // Construct from components 
    UserFunction(ListNode*, Expression*, Environment*); 
    // Destructor 
    virtual ~UserFunction(); 
    // Apply function with arguments to given list in given environment 
    //  and return result 
    virtual void applyWithArgs(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
    // Is this userfunction a closure? 
    virtual int isClosure(); 
Listing 1.19: The class UserFunction

    // list? doesn't return true on nil 
    if (x && x->isNil()) 
        return 0; 
    if (x) 
        return 1; 
    return 0; 
int NullpFunction(Expression* arg) 
    ListNode* x = arg->isList(); 
    return x && x->isNil(); 
/// BooleanUnaryApply 
int PrimoppFunction(Expression* arg) 
    Function* funValue = arg->isFunction(); 
    if (funValue)       // if not closure then primitive 
        if (funValue->isClosure()) 
            return 0; 
Listing 1.20: The class UserFunction method of application

User functions always work with evaluated arguments, and thus they override the method applyWithArgs. The implementation of this method is shown in Figure ??. This method checks that the number of arguments supplied matches the number in the function denition, then creates a new environment to match the arguments and their values. The expression which represents the body of the function is then evaluated. By passing the new context as argument to the evaluation, symbolic references to the arguments will be matched with the appropriate values.

1.6.2 Built-In Statements

The built-in statements if, while, set and begin are each dened by functions entered in the valueOps environment. With the exception of begin, these must capture their arguments before they are evaluated and thus, like dene, they override the method apply.

The If statement

The If statement (Figure ??, Figure ??) rst insures it has three arguments. It then evaluates the rst argument. Using the auxiliary function isTrue (Figure 1.23) (which will vary over the dierent interpreters as our denition of \true" changes) the truth or falsity of the rst expression is determined. Depending upon the outcome, either the second or third argument is evaluated to determine the result. In the Chapter 1 interpreter the value 0 is false, and all other values (integer or not) are considered to be true.

class IfStatement 
    public Function 
    virtual void apply(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
Listing 1.21: The class IfStatement

void IfStatement::apply(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    if (args->length() != 3) 
        target = error("if statement requires three arguments"); 
    Expr cond; 
    args->head()->eval(cond, valueOps, rho); 
    if (isTrue(cond())) 
        args->at(1)->eval(target, valueOps, rho); 
        args->at(2)->eval(target, valueOps, rho); 
    cond = 0; 
Listing 1.22: The implementation of the If statement

int isTrue(Expression* cond) 
    IntegerExpression* ival = cond->isInteger(); 
    if (ival && ival->val() == 0) 
        return 0; 
    return 1; 
Listing 1.23: The implementation of the isTrue function

The while statement

The function that implements the while statement is shown in Figure 1.24. Although the while statement requires two arguments, it nevertheless cannot usefully be made a subclass of class BinaryFunction, since it must access its arguments before they are evaluated. The implementation of the while statements loops until the rst argument evaluates to a true condition, using the same test for true method used by the if statement. The results returned by evaluating the body of the while statement are ignored, as the body is executed just for side eects.

void WhileStatement::apply(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    Expr stmt; 
    if (args->length() != 2) 
        target = error("while statement requires two arguments"); 
    // grab the two pieces of the statement 
    Expression* condexp = args->at(0); 
    Expression* stexp = args->at(1); 
    // then start the execution loop 
    condexp->eval(target, valueOps, rho); 
    while (isTrue(target())) 
        // evaluate body 
        stexp->eval(stmt, valueOps, rho); 
        // but ignore it 
        stmt = 0; 
        // then reevaluate condition 
        condexp->eval(target, valueOps, rho); 
Listing 1.24: The implementation of the While statement

The set statement

The implementation of the set statement is shown in Figure 1.25. The function insures the rst argument is a symbol, evaluates the second argument, then sets the binding of the symbol to value in the current environment.

void SetStatement::apply(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    if (args->length() != 2) 
        target = error("set statement requires two arguments"); 
    // get the two parts 
    Symbol* sym = args->at(0)->isSymbol(); 
    if (!sym) 
        target = error("set commands requires symbol for first arg"); 
    // set target to value of second argument 
    args->at(1)->eval(target, valueOps, rho); 
    // set it in the environment 
    rho->set(sym, target()); 
Listing 1.25: The implementation of the set statement

The begin statement

The begin statement evaluate each of its arguments and assigns to the target variable the value of the last expression (Figure 1.26).

void BeginStatement::applyWithArgs 
    Expr& target, 
    ListNode* args, 
    Environment* rho 
    int len = args->length(); 
    // yield as value the last expression 
    if (len < 1) 
        target = error("begin needs at least one statement"); 
        target = args->at(len - 1); 
Listing 1.26: The implementation of the begin statement

1.6.3 The value-Ops

The Value-ops are functions placed in the valueop global environment. They can be divided into two categories; there are those that take two integer arguments and produce an integer result (+, , , =, =, < and >) and those that take a single argument (print).

The implementation of the integer binary functions is simplied by the introduction of an intermediate class IntegerBinaryFunction, a subclass of BinaryFunction (Figure 1.28). The private state for each instance of this class holds a pointer to a function that takes two integer values and generates an integer result. The applyWithArgs method in this class decodes the two integer arguments, then invokes the stored function to produce the new integer value. To implement each of the seven binary integer functions (the relational functions generate 0 and 1 values for true and false, remember) it is only necessary dene an appropriate function and pass it as argument to the constructor during initialization of the interpreter. This can be seen in Figure 1.31.

The print function is implemented by a subclass of UnaryFunction that merely invokes the method print on the argument. All expressions will respond to this method.

class IntegerBinaryFunction 
    public BinaryFunction 
    // The function pointer 
    int (*function_) (int, int); 
    // Construct from function pointer 
    IntegerBinaryFunction(int (*thefun) (int, int)) 
        function_ = thefun; 
    // Apply function with arguments to given list in given environment 
    //  and return result 
    virtual void applyWithArgs(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
Listing 1.27: The class IntegerBinaryFunction

void IntegerBinaryFunction::applyWithArgs 
    Expr& target, 
    ListNode* args, 
    Environment* rho 
    Expression* left = args->at(0); 
    Expression* right = args->at(1); 
    if ((!left->isInteger()) || (!right->isInteger())) 
        target = error("arithmetic function with nonint args"); 
    target = new IntegerExpression(function_(left->isInteger()->val(), 
Listing 1.28: Implementation of the IntegerBinaryFunction apply

int PlusFunction(int a, int b) 
    return a + b; 
int MinusFunction(int a, int b) 
    return a - b; 
int TimesFunction(int a, int b) 
    return a* b; 
int DivideFunction(int a, int b) 
    if (b != 0) 
        return a / b; 
    error("division by zero"); 
    return 0; 
Listing 1.29: Implementation of the arithmetic functions

int IntEqualFunction(int a, int b) 
    return a == b; 
int LessThanFunction(int a, int b) 
    return a < b; 
int GreaterThanFunction(int a, int b) 
    return a > b; 
Listing 1.30: Implementation of the relational functions

1.7 Initializing the Run-Time Environment

Figure 1.31 shows the initialization routine for the interpreters of chapter one. In chapter one there are no global variables dened at the start of execution. There is one command, the statement dene, and a number of value-ops.

ReaderClass* initialize() 
    // initialize global variables 
    ReaderClass* reader = new ReaderClass; 
    // initialize the statement environment 
    Environment* cmds = commands; 
    cmds->add(new Symbol("define"), new DefineStatement); 
    // initialize the global environment 
    Environment* vo = valueOps; 
    vo->add(new Symbol("if"), new IfStatement); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("while"), new WhileStatement); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("set"), new SetStatement); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("begin"), new BeginStatement); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("+"), new IntegerBinaryFunction(PlusFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol(""), new IntegerBinaryFunction(MinusFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol(""), new IntegerBinaryFunction(TimesFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("/"), new IntegerBinaryFunction(DivideFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("="), new IntegerBinaryFunction(IntEqualFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("<"), new IntegerBinaryFunction(LessThanFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol(">"), new IntegerBinaryFunction(GreaterThanFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("print"), new UnaryFunction(PrintFunction)); 
    return reader; 
Listing 1.31: Initialization of the Basic Evaluator

Chapter 2
The Lisp Interpreter

The interpreter for Lisp diers only slightly from that of Chapter one. The reader/parser is modied so as to recognize quoted constants, two new global variables (T and nil) are added, and a number of new value-ops are dened. In all other respects it is the same. Figure 2.1 shows the class hierarchy for the expression classes added in chapter 2.


Figure 2.1: Classes added in Chapter Two

2.1 The Lisp reader

The Lisp reader is created by subclassing from the base class Reader (Figure 2.1). The only change is to modify the method readExpression to check for leading quote marks. If no mark is found, execution is as in the default case. If a quote mark is found, the character pointer is advanced and the following expression is turned into a quoted constant. Note that no checking is performed on this expression. This permits symbols, even separators, to be treated as data. That is, '; is a quoted symbol, even though the semicolon itself is not a legal symbol.

class QuotedConst 
    public Expression 
    // The expression 
    Expr value_; 
    // Construct from the givin expression 
    QuotedConst(Expression* v) 
        value_ = v; 
    // Delete according to reference counts 
    virtual ~QuotedConst(); 
    // Evaluate the quoted expression 
    virtual void eval(Expr&, Environment*, Environment*); 
    // Print 
    virtual void print(); 
class LispReader 
    public ReaderClass 
    virtual Expression* readExpression(); 
Listing 2.1: The Lisp reader/parser

void QuotedConst::eval(Expr& target, Environment*, Environment*) 
    target = value_(); 
void QuotedConst::print() 
Expression* LispReader::readExpression() 
    // if quoted constant, return it, 
    if ((*p == 'n'') || (*p == '`')) 
        return new QuotedConst(readExpression()); 
    // otherwise simply return what we had before 
    return ReaderClass::readExpression(); 
Listing 2.2: The Lisp reader/parser implementation

To create quoted constants it is necessary to introduce a new type of expression. When an instance of class QuotedConst is evaluated, it simply returns its (unevaluated) data value.

2.2 Value-ops

In addition to adding a number of new value-ops, the Lisp interpreter modies the meaning of a few of the Chapter 1 functions. For example the relational operators must now return the values T or nil, and not 1 and 0 values. Similarly the meaning of true and false used by the if and while statements is changed. Finally the equality testing function (=) must now recognize both symbols and integers.

2.2.1 Relationals

Figure 2.3 shows the revised denition of the equality testing function, which now must be prepared to handle symbols and well as integers.

void EqualFunction(Expr& target, Expression* one, Expression* two) 
    // true if both numbers and same number 
    IntegerExpression* ione = one->isInteger(); 
    IntegerExpression* itwo = two->isInteger(); 
    if (ione && itwo && (ione->val() == itwo->val())) 
        target = trueExpr(); 
    // or both symbols and same symbol 
    Symbol* sone = one->isSymbol(); 
    Symbol* stwo = two->isSymbol(); 
    if (sone && stwo && (*sone == stwo)) 
        target = trueExpr(); 
    // or both lists and both nil 
    ListNode* lone = one->isList(); 
    ListNode* ltwo = two->isList(); 
    if (lone && ltwo && lone->isNil() && ltwo->isNil()) 
        target = trueExpr(); 
    // false otherwise 
    target = falseExpr(); 
Listing 2.3: The revised Denition of the equality function

Implementation of the boolean binary functions is simplied by the introduction of a class BooleanBinaryFunction (Figure 2.4). This class decodes the two integer arguments and invokes a further method to determine the boolean result. Based on this result either the value of the global symbol representing true or the symbol representing false is returned.

class BooleanBinaryFunction 
    public BinaryFunction 
    // The function pointer 
    int (*function_) (int, int); 
    // Construct from function pointer 
    BooleanBinaryFunction(int (*thefun) (int, int)) 
        function_ = thefun; 
    // Apply function with arguments to given list in given environment 
    //  and return result 
    virtual void applyWithArgs(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
Listing 2.4: Class returning boolean results from relationals

void BooleanBinaryFunction::applyWithArgs 
    Expr& target, 
    ListNode* args, 
    Environment* rho 
    Expression* left = args->at(0); 
    Expression* right = args->at(1); 
    if ((!left->isInteger()) || (!right->isInteger())) 
        error("arithmetic function with nonint args"); 
    if (function_(left->isInteger()->val(), right->isInteger()->val())) 
        target = trueExpr(); 
        target = falseExpr(); 
Listing 2.5: BooleanBinaryFunction apply function

Finally Figure 2.6 shows the revised function used by if and while statements to determine the truth or falsity of their condition. Unlike in Chapter 1, where 0 and 1 were used to represent true and false, here nil is used as the only false value.

int isTrue(Expression* cond) 
    // the only thing false is nil 
    ListNode* nval = cond->isList(); 
    if (nval && nval->isNil()) 
        return 0; 
    return 1; 
Listing 2.6: Specialised isTrue for lisp

2.2.2 Car, Cdr and Cons

car and cdr are implemented as simple unary functions (Figure 2.7), and cons is a simple binary function that creates a new ListNode out of its two arguments.

void CarFunction(Expr& target, Expression* arg) 
    ListNode* thelist = arg->isList(); 
    if (!thelist) 
        target = error("car applied to non list"); 
    target = thelist->head()->touch(); 
void CdrFunction(Expr& target, Expression* arg) 
    ListNode* thelist = arg->isList(); 
    if (!thelist) 
        target = error("car applied to non list"); 
    target = thelist->tail()->touch(); 
void ConsFunction(Expr& target, Expression* left, Expression* right) 
    target = new ListNode(left, right); 
Listing 2.7: Implementation of car, cdr and cons


2.2.3 Predicates

The implementation of the predicates number?, symbol?, list? and null? is simplied by the creation of a class BooleanUnary (Figure 2.8), subclassing UnaryFunction. As with the integer functions implemented in chapter 1, instances of BooleanUnary maintain as part of their state a function that takes an expression and returns an integer (that is, boolean) value. Thus for each predicate it is only necessary to write a function which takes the single argument and returns a true/false indication.

class BooleanUnary 
    public UnaryFunction 
    int (*function_) (Expression*); 
    BooleanUnary(int (*f) (Expression*)) 
        function_ = f; 
    virtual void applyWithArgs(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment*); 
Listing 2.8: The class BooleanUnary

void BooleanUnary::applyWithArgs(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment*) 
    if (function_(args->head())) 
        target = trueExpr(); 
        target = falseExpr(); 
int NumberpFunction(Expression* arg) 
    return 0 != arg->isInteger(); 
int SymbolpFunction(Expression* arg) 
    return 0 != arg->isSymbol(); 
int ListpFunction(Expression* arg) 
    ListNode* x = arg->isList(); 
    // list? doesn't return true on nil 
    if (x && x->isNil()) 
        return 0; 
    if (x) 
        return 1; 
    return 0; 
int NullpFunction(Expression* arg) 
    ListNode* x = arg->isList(); 
    return x && x->isNil(); 
Listing 2.9: BooleanUnary apply function

2.3 Initialization of the Lisp Interpreter

Figure 2.10 shows the initialization method for the Lisp interpreter.

ReaderClass* initialize() 
    // create the reader/parser 
    ReaderClass* reader = new LispReader; 
    // initialize the global environment 
    Symbol* truesym = new Symbol("T"); 
    trueExpr = truesym; 
    falseExpr = emptyList(); 
    Environment* genv = globalEnvironment; 
    // make T evaluate to T always 
    genv->add(truesym, truesym); 
    genv->add(new Symbol("nil"), emptyList()); 
    // initialize the commands environment 
    Environment* cmds = commands; 
    cmds->add(new Symbol("define"), new DefineStatement); 
    // initialize the valueops environment 
    Environment* vo = valueOps; 
    vo->add(new Symbol("if"), new IfStatement); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("while"), new WhileStatement); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("set"), new SetStatement); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("begin"), new BeginStatement); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("+"), new IntegerBinaryFunction(PlusFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol(""), new IntegerBinaryFunction(MinusFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol(""), new IntegerBinaryFunction(TimesFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("/"), new IntegerBinaryFunction(DivideFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("="), new BinaryFunction(EqualFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("<"), new BooleanBinaryFunction(LessThanFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol(">"), new BooleanBinaryFunction(GreaterThanFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("cons"), new BinaryFunction(ConsFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("car"), new UnaryFunction(CarFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("cdr"), new UnaryFunction(CdrFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("number?"), new BooleanUnary(NumberpFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("symbol?"), new BooleanUnary(SymbolpFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("list?"), new BooleanUnary(ListpFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("null?"), new BooleanUnary(NullpFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("print"), new UnaryFunction(PrintFunction)); 
    return reader; 
Listing 2.10: Initialization of the Lisp interpreter

Chapter 3
The APL Interpreter

My version of the APL interpreter diers somewhat from that provided by Kamin:

Despite the APL interpreter being larger than any other interpreter, I think that the addition of a few more functions could give the student an even better feel for the language, as well as providing a smooth transition to functional programming. Specically, I think reduction should be dened as a functional, and inner and outer products added as operations. I have not done this as yet, however.

Figure 3.1 shows the class hierarchy for the classes introduced in this chapter.


Figure 3.1: The APL interpreter class hierarchy

3.1 APL Values

The APL interpreter manipulates APL values, which are dened by the data type APLValue (Figure 3.1). An APL value represents a integer rectilinear array. Internally, such a value is represented by a list that maintains the shape (extent along each dimension) and a vector of integer values. The length of the shape list provides the rank (dimensionality) of the data value. The product of the values in the shape indicates the number of elements in the array, except in the case of scalar values, which have an empty shape array.

class APLValue 
    public Expression 
    List shapedata; 
    int* data; 
    APLValue(ListNode*, int); 
    APLValue(int);          // for vectors 
    virtual ~APLValue(); 
    // the overridden methods 
    virtual APLValue* isAPLValue(); 
    virtual void print(); 
    // methods unique to apl values 
    int size(); 
    ListNode* shape() 
        return shapedata; 
    int shapeAt(int); 
    int at(int pos) 
        return data[pos]; 
    void atPut(int pos, int val) 
        data[pos] = val; 
Listing 3.1: The Representation for APL Values

APL values are stored in what is called ravel-order. This is what in some other languages is called row-major order.

The methods dened for APL values can be used to determine the number of elements contained in the structure (size), obtain the shape of the value (shape), obtain the shape at any given dimension (shapeAt), obtain the value at any given ravel-order position (at), and nally change the value at any position (atPut).

3.2 The APL Reader

The APL reader is modied so that individual scalar values and vectors of integers are recognized as APL values. The class denition for APLreader is shown in Figure 3.2, and the code for the two auxiliary functions in the next gure.

class APLreader 
    public LispReader 
    virtual Expression* readExpression(); 
    APLValue* readAPLscalar(int); 
    APLValue* readAPLvector(int); 
Expression* APLreader::readExpression() 
    // see if it is a scalar value 
    if ((*p == '') && isdigit(*(p + 1))) 
        return readAPLscalar(-readInteger()); 
    if (isdigit(*p)) 
        return readAPLscalar(readInteger()); 
    // see if it is a vector constant 
    if (*p == '(') 
        if (isdigit(*p)) 
            return readAPLvector(0); 
        return readList(); 
    // else default 
    return LispReader::readExpression(); 
Listing 3.2: The APL reader

APLValue* APLreader::readAPLscalar(int d) 
    // read a scalar value, but make it an apl value 
    APLValue* newval = new APLValue(emptyList, 1); 
    newval->atPut(0, d); 
    return newval; 
APLValue* APLreader::readAPLvector(int size) 
    // if at end of list, make new vector 
    if (*p == ')') 
        return new APLValue(size); 
    // else we better have a digit, save it and get the rest 
    int sign = 1; 
    if (*p == '') 
        sign = -1; 
    if (!isdigit(*p)) 
        error("ill formed apl vector constant"); 
    int val = sign* readInteger(); 
    APLValue* newval = readAPLvector(size + 1); 
    newval->atPut(size, val); 
    return newval; 
Listing 3.3: The APL reader functions

3.3 APL Functions

The implementation of the APL functions is simplied by the addition of two auxiliary classes, APLUnary and APLBinary. In addition to checking that the right number of arguments are provided to a function application, these check to insure that the arguments are APL values 1 and invoke yet another virtual function applyOp, to perform the actual calculation.

3.3.1 Scalar Functions

By far the largest class of APL functions are the so-called scalar functions. These are the conventional arithmetic and logical functions, such as addition and multiplication, extended in the natural way to arrays. The only complication in the implementation of these values concerns what is called scalar extension. That is, a scalar value can be used as either the left or right argument to a scalar function, and it is treated as if it were an entire array of the correct dimensionality to match the other argument. Since scalar extension can occur with either the left or right argument, the code for scalar functions divides naturally into three cases.

Scalar functions are implemented using a single class by making use, as we have done before, of an instance variable that contains a pointer to a integer function that generates an integer result. The class APLscalarFunction and the method applyOp are shown in Figure 3.4. Note that the same functions used in the previous interpreters can be used in the construction of the APL scalar functions.

void APLScalarFunction::applyOp 
    Expr& target, 
    APLValue* left, 
    APLValue* right 
    if (left->size() == 1) 
    {   // scalar extension of left 
        int extent = right->size(); 
        APLValue* newval = new APLValue(right->shape(), extent); 
        int lvalue = left->at(0); 
        while (--extent >= 0) 
            newval->atPut(extent, fun(lvalue, right->at(extent))); 
        target = newval; 
    else if (right->size() == 1) 
    {   // scalar extension of right 
        int extent = left->size(); 
        APLValue* newval = new APLValue(left->shape(), extent); 
        int rvalue = right->at(0); 
        while (--extent >= 0) 
            newval->atPut(extent, fun(left->at(extent), rvalue)); 
        target = newval; 
    {   // conforming arrays 
        int extent = left->size(); 
        if (extent != right->size()) 
            target = error("conformance error on scalar function"); 
        for (int i = left->shape()->length(); --i >= 0;) 
            if (left->shapeAt(i) != right->shapeAt(i)) 
                target = error("conformance error on scalar function"); 
        APLValue* newval = new APLValue(left->shape(), extent); 
        while (--extent >= 0) 
            newval->atPut(extent, fun(left->at(extent), right->at(extent))); 
        target = newval; 
Listing 3.4: APL Scalar Functions

3.3.2 Reduction

For each scalar function there is an associated reduction function.2 Reduction in these interpreters always occurs along the last dimension. Thus to compute the size of a new value is suces to remove the last dimension value. This also simplies the generation of the new values, since the argument array can be processed in units as long as the nal dimension. As with the scalar functions, there is one class dened for all the reductions, with each instance of this class maintaining the particular scalar function being used for the reduction operations. Figure 3.5 shows the code used in computing the APL reduction function.

static int lastSize(ListNode* sz) 
    int i = sz->length(); 
    if (i > 0) 
        IntegerExpression* ie = sz->at(i - 1)->isInteger(); 
        if (ie) 
            return ie->val(); 
    return 1; 
static ListNode* removeLast(ListNode* sz) 
    ListNode* newsz = emptyList; 
    int i = sz->length() - 1; 
    while (--i >= 0) 
        newsz = new ListNode(sz->at(i), newsz); 
    return newsz; 
void APLReduction::applyOp(Expr& target, APLValue* arg) 
    // compute the size of the new expression 
    int rowextent = lastSize(arg->shape()); 
    int extent = arg->size() / rowextent; 
    APLValue* newval = new APLValue(removeLast(arg->shape()), extent); 
    while (--extent >= 0) 
        int start = (extent + 1)* rowextent - 1; 
        int newint = arg->at(start); 
        for (int i = rowextent - 2; i >= 0; i--) 
            newint = fun(arg->at(--start), newint); 
        newval->atPut(extent, newint); 
    target = newval; 
Listing 3.5: Implementation of the APL reduction function

3.3.3 Compression

Compression, like reduction, operates on the last dimension of a higher order array, changing its extent to that of the number of one elements in the left-argument vector. The length of the left argument vector must match the extent of the last dimension of the right argument. The compression function (Figure 3.6) rst computes the number of one elements in the left argument, then iterates over the right argument generating the new values.

static ListNode* replaceLast(ListNode* sz, int i) 
    ListNode* nz = new ListNode(new IntegerExpression(i), emptyList()); 
    for (i = sz->length() - 1; --i >= 0;) 
        nz = new ListNode(sz->at(i), nz); 
    return nz; 
void CompressionFunction::applyOp(Expr& target, APLValue* left, 
APLValue* right) 
    if (left->shape()->length() >= 2) 
        target = error("compression requires vector left arg"); 
    int lsize = left->size();   // works for both scalar and vec 
    int rsize = lastSize(right->shape()); 
    if (lsize != rsize) 
        target = error("compression conformability error"); 
    // compute the number of nonzero values 
    int i, nsize; 
    nsize = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i < lsize; i++) 
        if (left->at(i)) 
    // now compute the new size 
    int rextent = right->size(); 
    int extent = (rextent / lsize)* nsize; 
    APLValue* newval = 
        new APLValue(replaceLast(right->shape(), nsize), extent); 
    // now fill in the values 
    int index = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i <= rextent; i++) 
        if (left->at(i % lsize)) 
            newval->atPut(index++, right->at(i)); 
    target = newval; 
Listing 3.6: The Compression function

3.3.4 Shape and Reshape

The shape function merely copies the size on its argument into a new APL value. The reshape function (restruct) generates a new value with a size given by the left argument, which must be a vector, using elements from the right argument, recycling over the ravel ordering of the right argument multiple times if necessary. The implementation of these functions is shown in Figure 3.7 and refAPLRestructFunctionApply.

void ShapeFunction::applyOp(Expr& target, APLValue* arg) 
    int extent = arg->shape()->length(); 
    ListNode* newshape = new ListNode(new IntegerExpression(extent), 
    APLValue* newval = new APLValue(newshape, extent); 
    while (--extent >= 0) 
        IntegerExpression* ie = arg->shape()->at(extent)->isInteger(); 
        if (ie) 
            newval->atPut(extent, ie->val()); 
            target = error("impossible case in Shapefunction"); 
    target = newval; 
Listing 3.7: The shape function

void RestructFunction::applyOp(Expr& target, APLValue* left, APLValue* right) 
    int llen = left->shape()->length(); 
    if (llen >= 2) 
        target = error("restruct requires vector left arg"); 
    llen = left->size();        // works for either scalar or vector 
    int extent = 1; 
    ListNode* newShape = emptyList; 
    while (--llen >= 0) 
        newShape = new ListNode(new IntegerExpression(left->at(llen)), 
        extent *= left->at(llen); 
    APLValue* newval = new APLValue(newShape, extent); 
    int rsize = right->size(); 
    while (--extent >= 0) 
        newval->atPut(extent, right->at(extent % rsize)); 
    target = newval; 
Listing 3.8: The reshape function

3.3.5 Ravel and Index

The ravel function (Figure 3.9) merely takes an argument of arbitrary dimensionality and returns the values as a vector. The index function (called iota in real APL) (Figure 3.10) takes a scalar value and returns a vector of numbers from 1 to the argument value.

void RavelFunction::applyOp(Expr& target, APLValue* arg) 
    int extent = arg->size(); 
    APLValue* newval = new APLValue(extent); 
    while (--extent >= 0) 
        newval->atPut(extent, arg->at(extent)); 
    target = newval; 
Listing 3.9: Ravel

void IndexFunction::applyOp(Expr& target, APLValue* arg) 
    if (arg->size() != 1) 
        target = error("index function requires scalar argument"); 
    int extent = arg->at(0); 
    APLValue* newval = new APLValue(extent); 
    while (--extent >= 0) 
        newval->atPut(extent, extent + 1); 
    target = newval; 
Listing 3.10: Index

3.3.6 Catenation

The catenation function joins two arrays along their last dimension. They must match in all other dimensions. To build the new result rst a row from the rst array is copies into the nal array, then a row from the second array, then another row from the rst, followed by another row from the second, and so on until all rows from each argument have been used.

void CatenationFunction::applyOp 
    Expr& target, 
    APLValue* left, 
    APLValue* right 
    ListNode* lshape = left->shape(); 
    ListNode* rshape = right->shape(); 
    int llen = lshape->length(); 
    int rlen = rshape->length(); 
    if (llen <= 0 || (llen != rlen)) 
        target = error("catenation conformability error"); 
    // get the size of the last row in each structure 
    int lrow, rrow; 
    IntegerExpression* ie = lshape->at(llen - 1)->isInteger(); 
    if (ie) 
        lrow = ie->val(); 
        lrow = 1; 
    ie = rshape->at(rlen - 1)->isInteger(); 
    if (ie) 
        rrow = ie->val(); 
        rrow = 1; 
    // build up the new size 
    int extent = lrow + rrow; 
    ListNode* newShape = 
    new ListNode(new IntegerExpression(extent), emptyList()); 
    llen = llen - 1; 
    while (--llen >= 0) 
        newShape = new ListNode(lshape->at(llen), newShape); 
        ie = lshape->at(llen)->isInteger(); 
        if (ie) 
            extent *= ie->val(); 
    APLValue* newval = new APLValue(newShape, extent); 
    // now build the new values 
    int i, index, lindex, rindex; 
    index = lindex = rindex = 0; 
    while (index < extent) 
        for (i = 0; i < lrow; i++) 
            newval->atPut(index++, left->at(lindex++)); 
        for (i = 0; i < rrow; i++) 
            newval->atPut(index++, right->at(rindex++)); 
    target = newval; 
Listing 3.11: Implementation of the Catenation function

3.3.7 Transpose

While real APL denes transpose for arbitrary dimension arrays, the transpose presented here works only for arrays of dimension two or less. For vector and scalars the transpose does nothing. Thus the only code required (Figure 3.12) is to take the transpose of a two dimensional array.

void TransposeFunction::applyOp(Expr& target, APLValue* arg) 
    // transpose of vectors or scalars does nothings 
    if (arg->shape()->length() != 2) 
        target = arg; 
    // get the two extents 
    int lim1 = arg->shapeAt(0); 
    int lim2 = arg->shapeAt(1); 
    // build new shapes 
    ListNode* newShape = new ListNode(arg->shape()->at(1), 
    new ListNode(arg->shape()->at(0), emptyList())); 
    APLValue* newval = new APLValue(newShape, lim1* lim2); 
    // now compute the values 
    for (int i = 0; i < lim2; i++) 
        for (int j = 0; j < lim2; j++) 
            newval->atPut(i* lim1 + j, arg->at(j* lim2 + i)); 
    target = newval; 
Listing 3.12: The Transpose Function

3.3.8 Subscription

The Pascal interpreter provided by Kamin applies subscription to the rst dimension of a multidimension value. In order to be consistent with the other functions, my version does subscription along the last dimension. Neither is exactly the same as the real APL version. The subscription code is shown in Figure 3.13.

void SubscriptFunction::applyOp 
    Expr& target, 
    APLValue* left, 
    APLValue* right 
    if (right->shape()->length() >= 2) 
        target = error("subscript requires vector second arg"); 
    int rsize = right->size(); 
    int lsize = lastSize(left->shape()); 
    int extent = (left->size() / lsize)* rsize; 
    APLValue* newval = new APLValue(replaceLast(left->shape(), rsize), 
    for (int i = 0; i < extent; i++) 
            left->at((i / rsize)* lsize + (right->at(i % rsize) - 1)) 
    target = newval; 
Listing 3.13: The Subscription function

3.4 Initialization of the APL interpreter

The initialization code for the APL interpreter is shown in Figure 3.14.

ReaderClass* initialize() 
    // initialize global variables 
    ReaderClass* reader = new APLreader; 
    // initialize the statement environment 
    Environment* cmds = commands; 
    cmds->add(new Symbol("define"), new DefineStatement); 
    // initialize the value ops environment 
    Environment* vo = valueOps; 
    vo->add(new Symbol("if"), new IfStatement); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("begin"), new BeginStatement); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("set"), new SetStatement); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("+"), new APLScalarFunction(PlusFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol(""), new APLScalarFunction(MinusFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol(""), new APLScalarFunction(TimesFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("/"), new APLScalarFunction(DivideFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("max"), new APLScalarFunction(scalarMax)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("or"), new APLScalarFunction(scalarOr)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("and"), new APLScalarFunction(scalarAnd)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("="), new APLScalarFunction(scalarEq)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("<"), new APLScalarFunction(LessThanFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol(">"), new APLScalarFunction(GreaterThanFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("+/"), new APLReduction(PlusFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("/"), new APLReduction(MinusFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("/"), new APLReduction(TimesFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("//"), new APLReduction(DivideFunction)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("max/"), new APLReduction(scalarMax)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("or/"), new APLReduction(scalarOr)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("and/"), new APLReduction(scalarAnd)); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("compress"), new CompressionFunction); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("shape"), new ShapeFunction); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("ravel"), new RavelFunction); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("restruct"), new RestructFunction); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("cat"), new CatenationFunction); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("indx"), new IndexFunction); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("trans"), new TransposeFunction); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("[]"), new SubscriptFunction); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("print"), new UnaryFunction(PrintFunction)); 
    return reader; 
Listing 3.14: APL interpreter initialization

Chapter 4
The Scheme Interpreter

After all the code required to generate the APL interpreter of Chapter 3, the Scheme interpreter is simplicity in itself. Of course, this has more to do with the similarity of Scheme to the basic Lisp interpreter of Chapter 2 than with any dierences between APL and Scheme.

To implement Scheme it is only necessary to provide an implementation of the lambda function. This is accomplished by the class Lambda, shown in Figure 4.1. The actual implementation of lambda uses the same class UserFunction we have seen in previous chapters.

class LambdaFunction 
    public Function 
    virtual void apply(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
void LambdaFunction::apply(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    if (args->length() != 2) 
        target = error("lambda requires two arguments"); 
    ListNode* argNames = args->head()->isList(); 
    if (!argNames) 
        target = error("lambda requires list of argument names"); 
    target = new UserFunction(argNames, args->at(1), rho); 
Listing 4.1: The class Lambda

Initialization of the Scheme interpreter diers slightly from the code used to initialize the Lisp interpreter (Figure 4.2). The dene command is no longer recognized, having been replaced by the set/lambda pair. The built-in arithmetic functions are now considred to be global symbols, and not value-ops. Indeed, there are no comands or value-ops in this language.

ReaderClass* initialize() 
    // initialize global variables 
    ReaderClass* reader = new LispReader; 
    // initialize the value of true 
    Symbol* truesym = new Symbol("T"); 
    trueExpr = truesym; 
    falseExpr = emptyList(); 
    // initialize the command environment 
    // there are no command or valueops as such in scheme 
    // initialize the global environment 
    Environment* ge = globalEnvironment; 
    ge->add(new Symbol("if"), new IfStatement); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("while"), new WhileStatement); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("set"), new SetStatement); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("begin"), new BeginStatement); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("+"), new IntegerBinaryFunction(PlusFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol(""), new IntegerBinaryFunction(MinusFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol(""), new IntegerBinaryFunction(TimesFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("/"), new IntegerBinaryFunction(DivideFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("="), new BinaryFunction(EqualFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("<"), new BooleanBinaryFunction(LessThanFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol(">"), new BooleanBinaryFunction(GreaterThanFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("cons"), new BinaryFunction(ConsFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("car"), new UnaryFunction(CarFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("cdr"), new UnaryFunction(CdrFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("number?"), new BooleanUnary(NumberpFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("symbol?"), new BooleanUnary(SymbolpFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("list?"), new BooleanUnary(ListpFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("null?"), new BooleanUnary(NullpFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("primop?"), new BooleanUnary(PrimoppFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("closure?"), new BooleanUnary(ClosurepFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("print"), new UnaryFunction(PrintFunction)); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("lambda"), new LambdaFunction); 
    ge->add(truesym, truesym); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("nil"), emptyList()); 
    return reader; 
Listing 4.2: Initialization of the Scheme Interpreter

Chapter 5
The SASL interpreter

The SASL interpreter is largely constructed by removing features from the Scheme interpreter, such as while loops and so on, and changing the implementation of the cons function to add delayed evaluation. Figure 5.1 shows the class hierarchy for the classes added in this chapter.


Figure 5.1: Class Hierarchy for expressions in the SASL interpreter

5.0.1 Thunks

Delayed evaluation is provided by adding a new expression type, called the thunk. Figure 5.1 shows the data structure used to represent this type of value. Every thunk maintains a boolean value indicating whether the thunk has been evaluated yet, an expression (representing either the unevaluated or evaluated expression, depending upon the state of the boolean ag), and a context in which the expression is to be evaluated. Thunks print either as three dots, if they have not yet been evaluated, or as the printed representation of their value, if they have.

class Thunk 
    public Expression 
    int evaluated; 
    Expr value; 
    Env context; 
    Thunk(Expression*, Environment*); 
    virtual ~Thunk(); 
    virtual void print(); 
    virtual Expression* touch(); 
    virtual void eval(Expr&, Environment*, Environment*); 
    virtual IntegerExpression* isInteger(); 
    virtual Symbol* isSymbol(); 
    virtual Function* isFunction(); 
    virtual ListNode* isList(); 
Thunk::Thunk(Expression* base, Environment* ctx) 
    evaluated = 0; 
    value = base; 
    context = ctx; 
    context = 0; 
    value = 0; 
void Thunk::print() 
    if (evaluated) 
Listing 5.1: Denition of Thunks

Expression* Thunk::touch() 
    // if we haven't already evaluated, do it now 
    if (!evaluated) 
        evaluated = 1; 
        Expression* start = value(); 
        if (start) 
            start->eval(value, valueOps, context); 
    Expression* val = value(); 
    if (val) 
        return val->touch(); 
    return val; 
Listing 5.2: Denition of Thunk touch

Here we nally see an overridden denition for the method touch. You will recall that this method was dened in Chapter 1, and that all other expressions merely return their value as the result of this expression. Thunks, on the other hand, will evaluate themselves if touched, and then return their new evaluated result. With the addition of this feature many of the denitions we have presented in earlier chapters, such as the denitions of car and cdr, hold equally well when given thunks as arguments.

Since thunks can represent lists, symbols, integers and so on, the predicate methods isSymbol and the like must be redened as well. If the thunk represents an evaluated value, these simply return the result of testing that value (Figure 5.3).

ListNode* Thunk::isList() 
    // if its evaluated try it out 
    if (evaluated) 
        return value()->isList(); 
    // else it's not 
    return 0; 
Symbol* Thunk::isSymbol() 
    if (evaluated) 
        return value()->isSymbol(); 
    return 0; 
Function* Thunk::isFunction() 
    if (evaluated) 
        return value()->isFunction(); 
    return 0; 
IntegerExpression* Thunk::isInteger() 
    if (evaluated) 
        return value()->isInteger(); 
    return 0; 
Listing 5.3: Thunk predicates

void Thunk::eval(Expr& target, Environment* valusops, Environment* rho) 
    value()->eval(target, valusops, rho); 
Listing 5.4: Thunk eval

5.1 Lazy Cons

The SASL cons function diers from the Scheme version in producing a list node containing a pair of thunks, rather than a pair of values (Figure 5.5). Class SaslConsFunction must now be a subclass of Function and not BinaryFunction, because it must grab its arguments before they are evaluated. Thus it must itself check to see that only two arguments are passed to the function.

class SaslConsFunction 
    public Function 
    virtual void apply(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment*); 
void SaslConsFunction::apply(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    // check length 
    if (args->length() != 2) 
        target = error("cons requires two arguments"); 
    // make thunks for car and cdr 
    target = new ListNode(new Thunk(args->at(0), rho), 
    new Thunk(args->at(1), rho)); 
Listing 5.5: The Sasl Lazy Cons function

5.2 Lazy User Functions

User dened functions must be provided with lazy evaluation semantics as well. This is accomplished by dening a new class LazyFunction (Figure 5.6). Lazy functions act just like user functions from previous chapters, only they do not evaluate their arguments. Thus the function body is evaluated by the method apply, rather than passing the evaluated arguments on to the method applyWithArgs. The lambda function from the previous chapter is modied to produce an instance of LazyFunction, rather than UserFunction.

class LazyFunction 
    public UserFunction 
    LazyFunction(ListNode* n, Expression* b, Environment* c) 
        UserFunction(n, b, c) 
    virtual void apply(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
//      convert arguments into thunks 
static ListNode* makeThunks(ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    if ((!args) || (args->isNil())) 
        return emptyList; 
    Expression* newcar = new Thunk(args->head(), rho); 
    return new ListNode(newcar, makeThunks(args->tail(), rho)); 
void LazyFunction::apply(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    // number of args should match definition 
    ListNode* anames = argNames_; 
    if (anames->length() != args->length()) 
        error("argument length mismatch"); 
    // convert arguments into thunks 
    ListNode* newargs = makeThunks(args, rho); 
    // make new environment 
    Environment* newrho = new Environment(anames, newargs, context_); 
    // evaluate body in new environment 
    if (body_()) 
        body_()->eval(target, valueOps, newrho); 
        target = 0; 
    newrho = 0; 
Listing 5.6: The implementation of lazy functions

Chapter 6
The CLU interpreter

The CLU interpreter is created by introducing a new datatype, the cluster, and three new types of functions. Constructors create new instances of a cluster, selectors access a portion of a cluster state, and modiers change a portion of a cluster state. Figure 6.1 shows the class hierarchy for the classes added in this chapter.


Figure 6.1: Class Hierarchy for the CLU interpreter

6.1 Clusters

A cluster simply encapsulates a series of names and values, hiding them from normal examination. The most natural way to do this is for a cluster to maintain an environment (Figure 6.1). The predicate isCluster returns this environment value.

class Cluster 
    public Expression 
    Env data; 
    Cluster(ListNode* names, ListNode* values) 
        data = new Environment(names, values, 0); 
    virtual ~Cluster() 
        data = 0; 
    virtual void print() 
    virtual Environment* isCluster() 
        return data; 
class Constructor 
    public Function 
    List names; 
    Constructor(ListNode* n) 
        names = n; 
    virtual ~Constructor() 
        names = 0; 
    virtual void applyWithArgs(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
void Constructor::applyWithArgs 
    Expr& target, 
    ListNode* args, 
    Environment* rho 
    ListNode* nmes = names; 
    if (args->length() != nmes->length()) 
        target = error("wrong number of args passed to constructor"); 
    target = new Cluster(nmes, args); 
Listing 6.1: The denition of a cluster value

To create a cluster requires a constructor function. The constructor is provided with a list of names of the elements in the internal representation of the cluster, and simply insures that the arguments it is provided with match in number of the names it maintains.

6.2 Selectors and Modiers

To access or modify the elements of a constructor requires functions called selectors or modiers. Each of these maintain as their state the name of the eld they are responsible for. When invoked with a constructor, the access or change their given eld.

class Selector 
     public UnaryFunction 
    Expr fieldName; 
    Selector(Symbol* name) 
        fieldName = name; 
    virtual ~Selector() 
        fieldName = 0; 
    virtual void applyWithArgs(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
void Selector::applyWithArgs(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    Environment* x = args->head()->isCluster(); 
    if (!x) 
        target = error("selector given noncluster"); 
    Symbol* s = fieldName()->isSymbol(); 
    if (!s) 
        error("impossible case in selector, no symbol"); 
    target = x->lookup(s); 
    if (!target()) 
        error("selector cannot find symbol:", s->name()); 
class Modifier 
    public BinaryFunction 
    Expr fieldName; 
    Modifier(Symbol* name) 
        fieldName = name; 
    virtual ~Modifier() 
        fieldName = 0; 
    virtual void applyWithArgs(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
void Modifier::applyWithArgs(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    Environment* x = args->head()->isCluster(); 
    if (!x) 
        target = error("selector given noncluster"); 
    // set the result to the value 
    target = args->at(1); 
    x->set(fieldName()->isSymbol(), target()); 
Listing 6.2: Selectors and Modiers for clusters

6.3 Dening clusters

It thus remains only to give the (rather lengthy) denition of the function that generates constructor information from the textual description. (We do not say generates clusters themselves, for that is the responsibility of the constructor functions). This function is shown in Figure 6.3. It rips apart a cluster denition and does the right things (need a better description here, but I don't have time to write it now). (Need to point out that cluster functions have an internal and an external name, and these are put of dierent environments). (I suppose an alternative would have been to introduce a new datatype for two part names, which when evaluated would look up their second part in the cluster provided by their rst part).

class ClusterDef 
    public Function 
    virtual void apply(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
static void catset 
    Environment* rho, 
    const Symbol* left, 
    const char* mid, 
    const Symbol* right, 
    Expression* val 
    char buffer[120]; 
    // catenate the two symbols 
    strcpy(buffer, left->name()); 
    strcat(buffer, mid); 
    strcat(buffer, right->name()); 
    // now put the new value into rho 
    rho->add(new Symbol(buffer), val); 
void ClusterDef::apply(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    Expr setprefix(new Symbol("set")); 
    // must have at least name, rep and one def 
    if (args->length() < 3) 
        target = error("cluster ill formed"); 
    // get name 
    Symbol* name = args->head()->isSymbol(); 
    args = args->tail(); 
    if (!name) 
        target = error("cluster missing name"); 
    // now make the environment in which cluster will execute 
    Environment* inEnv = new Environment(emptyList, emptyList, rho); 
    catset(rho, name, "Env", name, inEnv); 
    // next part should be representation 
    ListNode* rep = args->head()->isList(); 
    args = args->tail(); 
    if (!rep) 
        target = error("cluster missing rep"); 
    Symbol* s = rep->at(0)->isSymbol(); 
    if (!(s && (*s == "rep"))) 
        target = error("cluster missing rep"); 
    rep = rep->tail(); 
    // make the name into a constructor with the representation 
    inEnv->add(name, new Constructor(rep)); 
    // now run dow the rep list, making accessor functions 
    while (!rep->isNil()) 
        s = rep->head()->isSymbol(); 
        if (!s) 
            target = error("ill formed rep in cluster"); 
        inEnv->add(s, new Selector(s)); 
        catset(inEnv, setprefix()->isSymbol(), "", s, new Modifier(s)); 
        rep = rep->tail(); 
    // remainder should be define commands 
    while (!args->isNil()) 
        ListNode* body = args->head()->isList(); 
        if (!body) 
            target = error("ill formed cluster"); 
        s = body->at(0)->isSymbol(); 
        if (!(s && (*s == "define"))) 
            target = error("missing define in cluster"); 
        s = body->at(1)->isSymbol(); 
        if (!s) 
            target = error("missing name in define"); 
        // evaluate body to define new function 
        Expr temp; 
        body->eval(temp, commands, inEnv); 
        // make outside form 
        // Get next function 
        args = args->tail(); 
    // What do we return? 
    target = 0; 
Listing 6.3: The cluster recognition function

Chapter 7
The Smalltalk interpreter

As with chapter 3, with the Smalltalk interpreter I have also made a number of changes. These include the following:

A class hierarchy for the classes added in this chapter is shown in Figure 7.1.


Figure 7.1: Expression class hierarchy for Smalltalk interpreter

7.1 Objects and Methods

An object is an encapsulation of behavior and state. That is, an object maintains, like a cluster, certain state information accessible only within the object. Similarly objects maintain a collection of functions, called methods, that can be invoked only via message passing. Internally, both these are represented by environments (Figure 7.1). The methods environment contains a collection of functions, and the data environment contains a collection of internal variables. Objects are declared as a subclass of function so that normal function syntax can be used for message passing. That is, a message is written as

(object message arguments)

class Object 
    public Function 
    Env methods; 
    Env data; 
    friend class SubclassMethod; 
    Object(Environment* m, Environment* d) 
        methods = m; 
        data = d; 
    virtual ~Object() 
        methods = 0; 
        data = 0; 
    virtual void print() 
    virtual void apply(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
    // methods used by classes to create new instances 
    // note these are invoked only on classes, not simple instances 
    ListNode* getNames(); 
    Environment* getMethods(); 
//      methods are also like functions, and thus subclass UserFunction 
class Method 
    public UserFunction 
    Method():UserFunction(0, 0, 0) 
    Method(ListNode* anames, Expression* bod): 
        UserFunction(anames, bod, 0) 
    virtual void doMethod 
    virtual Method* isMethod() 
        return this; 
Listing 7.1: Classes for Object and Method

Methods are similar to conventional functions (and are thus subclasses of UserFunction) in that they have an argument list and body. Unlike conventional functions they have a receiver (which must always be an object) and the environment in which the method was created, as well as the environment in which the method is invoked. Thus methods dene a new message doMethod that takes these additional arguments.

A subtle point to note is that the creation environment in normal functions is captured when the function is dened. For objects this environment cannot be dened when the methods are created, but must wait until a new instance is created. Our implementation waits even longer, and passes it as part of the message passing protocol.

The mechanism of message passing is dened by the function apply in class Object (Figure 7.2). Messages require a symbol for the rst argument, which must match a method for the object. This method is then invoked. Similarly Figure 7.2 shows the execution of normal methods (that is, those methods other than the ones provided by the system). The execution context is set for the method, and the receiver is added as an implicit rst argument, called self in every method. The method is then invoked as if it were a conventional function.

void Object::apply(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    // need at least a message 
    if (args->length() < 1) 
        target = error("ill formed message expression"); 
    Symbol* message = args->head()->isSymbol(); 
    if (!message) 
        target = error("object needs message"); 
    // now see if message is a method 
    Environment* meths = methods; 
    Expression* methexpr = meths->lookup(message); 
    Method* meth = 0; 
    if (methexpr) 
        meth = methexpr->isMethod(); 
    if (!meth) 
        target = error("unrecognized method name: ", message->name()); 
    // now just execute the method (take off message from arg list) 
    meth->doMethod(target, this, args->tail(), data, rho); 
void Method::doMethod 
    Expr& target, 
    Object* self, 
    ListNode* args, 
    Environment* ctx, 
    Environment* rho 
    // Change the exectution context 
    context_ = ctx; 
    // put self on the front of the argument list 
    ListNode* newargs = new ListNode(self, args); 
    // and execute the function 
    apply(target, newargs, rho); 
    // clean up arg list 
    newargs = 0; 
Listing 7.2: Implementation of Message Passing

7.2 Classes

Classes are simply objects. As such, they respond to certain messages. In our Smalltalk interpreter there are initially two classes, Object and Integer. The class Object is a superclass of Integer, and is typically the superclass of most user dened classes as well. There are initially three messages that classes respond to:

Classes are represented in the same format as other objects. They act as if they held two instance variables; names, which contains a list of instance variable names for the class, and methods, which contains the table of method denitions for the class. Note that these are held in the data area for the class. (A picture might help here...).

The implementation of the method subclass is shown in Figure 7.3. The instance variables for the parent class is obtained, and the new instance variables for the class added to them. Inheritance is implemented by creating a new empty method table, but having it point to the method table for the parent class. Thus a search of the method table for the newly created class will automatically search the parent class if no overriding method is found. These two values are inserted as data values in the new class object. The methods a class responds to will be exactly the same as those of the parent class (thus all classes respond to the same messages).

void SubclassMethod::doMethod 
    Expr& target, 
    Object* self, 
    ListNode* args, 
    Environment* ctx, 
    Environment* rho 
    // the argument list is added to the list of variables 
    ListNode* vars = self->getNames(); 
    while (!args->isNil()) 
        vars = new ListNode(args->head(), vars); 
        args = args->tail(); 
    // the method table is empty, but points to inherited method table 
    Environment* newmeth = new Environment(emptyList, emptyList, 
    // make the new data area 
    Environment* newEnv = new Environment(emptyList, emptyList, rho); 
    newEnv->add(new Symbol("names"), vars); 
    newEnv->add(new Symbol("methods"), newmeth); 
    // now make the new object 
    Environment* meths = self->methods; 
    target = new Object(meths, newEnv); 
Listing 7.3: Implementation of the subclass method

ListNode* Object::getNames() 
    Environment* datavals = data; 
    Expression* x = datavals->lookup(new Symbol("names")); 
    if ((!x) || (!x->isList())) 
        error("impossible case in Object::getNames"); 
        return 0; 
    return x->isList(); 
Listing 7.4: Implementation of Object getNames

The implementation of the method new, shown in Figure 7.5, gets the list of instance variables associated with the class. A new environment is then created that assigns an empty value to each variable. Using the method table stored in the data area for the class object a new object is then created.

void NewMethod::doMethod 
    Expr& target, 
    Object* self, 
    ListNode* args, 
    Environment* ctx, 
    Environment* rho 
    // get the list of instance names 
    ListNode* names = self->getNames(); 
    // cdr down the list, making a list of values (initially zero) 
    ListNode* values = emptyList; 
    for (ListNode* p = names; !p->isNil(); p = p->tail()) 
        values = new ListNode(new IntegerExpression(0), values); 
    // make the new environment for the names 
    Environment* newenv = new Environment(names, values, rho); 
    // make the new object 
    target = new Object(self->getMethods(), newenv); 
Listing 7.5: The method new

void MethodMethod::doMethod 
    Expr& target, 
    Object* self, 
    ListNode* args, 
    Environment* ctx, 
    Environment* rho 
    if (args->length() != 3) 
        target = error("method definition requires three arguments"); 
    Symbol* name = args->at(0)->isSymbol(); 
    if (!name) 
        target = error("method definition missing name"); 
    ListNode* argNames = args->at(1)->isList(); 
    if (!argNames) 
        target = error("method definition missing arg names"); 
    // put self on front of arg names 
    argNames = new ListNode(new Symbol("self"), argNames); 
    // get the method table for the given class 
    Environment* methTable = self->getMethods(); 
    // put method in place 
    methTable->add(name, new Method(argNames, args->at(2))); 
    // yield as value the name of the function 
    target = name; 
Listing 7.6: The method method

The method used to respond to the method command is shown in Figure 7.6. This is very similar to the function used to break apart the dene command in Chapter 1. The only signicant dierence includes the addition of the receiver self as an implicit rst parameter in the argument list, and the fact that the function is placed in a method table, rather than in the global environment.

7.3 Symbols and Integers

Symbols in Smalltalk have no property other than they evaluate to themselves, and are guaranteed unique. They are easily implemented by subclassing the existing class Symbol (Figure 7.7), and modifying the reader/parser to recognize the tokens. (Unlike symbols in real Smalltalk, our symbols are not objects and will not respond to any messages).

class SmalltalkSymbol 
    public Symbol 
    SmalltalkSymbol(const Symbol& sym) 
    virtual void eval(Expr& target, Environment*, Environment*) 
        target = this; 
Listing 7.7: Symbols in Smalltalk

class IntegerObject 
    public Object 
    Expr value; 
    IntegerObject(int v):Object(IntegerMethods, 0) 
        value = new IntegerExpression(v); 
    virtual ~IntegerObject() 
        value = 0; 
    virtual void print() 
        if (value()) 
    virtual IntegerExpression* isInteger() 
        return value()->isInteger(); 
Listing 7.8: Integers in Smalltalk

Integers are also redened as objects, and a built-in method IntegerBinaryMethod (Figure 7.8), similarly to IntegerBinaryFunction, is created to simplify the arithmetic methods.

Control ow is implemented as a message to integers. (In real Smalltalk control ow is implemented as messages, but to dierent objects). If the receiver is zero the rst argument to the if method is returned, otherwise the second argument is returned.

void IfMethod::doMethod 
    Expr& target, 
    Object* self, 
    ListNode* args, 
    Environment* ctx, 
    Environment* rho 
    if (args->length() != 2) 
        target = error("wrong number of args for if"); 
    IntegerExpression* cond = self->isInteger(); 
    if (!cond) 
        target = error("impossible!", "no cond in if"); 
    if (cond->val()) 
        args->at(0)->eval(target, valueOps, rho); 
        args->at(1)->eval(target, valueOps, rho); 
Listing 7.9: Implementation of the if method

7.4 Smalltalk reader

The Smalltalk reader subclasses the reader class so as to recognize integers and symbols (Figure 7.10).

Expression* SmalltalkReader::readExpression() 
    // see if it's an integer 
    if (isdigit(*p)) 
        return new IntegerObject(readInteger()); 
    // might be a signed integer 
    if ((*p == '') && isdigit(*(p + 1))) 
        return new IntegerObject(-readInteger()); 
    // or it might be a symbol 
    if (*p == '#') 
        char token[80],* q; 
        for (q = token; !isSeparator(*p);) 
           * q++ =* p++; 
       * q = 'n0'; 
        return new SmalltalkSymbol(token); 
    // anything else, do as before 
    return ReaderClass::readExpression(); 
Listing 7.10: The Smalltalk reader

7.5 The big bang

To initialize the interpreter we must create the objects Object and Integer. (Need more explanation here, but I'll just give the code for now).

ReaderClass* initialize() 
    // initialize global variables 
    ReaderClass* reader = new SmalltalkReader; 
    // the only commands are the assignment command and begin 
    Environment* vo = valueOps; 
    vo->add(new Symbol("set"), new SetStatement); 
    vo->add(new Symbol("begin"), new BeginStatement); 
    // initialize the global environment 
    Environment* ge = globalEnvironment; 
    // first create the object ``Object'' 
    Environment* objMethods = new Environment(emptyList, emptyList, 0); 
    Environment* objClassMethods = new Environment(emptyList, emptyList, 
    objClassMethods->add(new Symbol("new"), new NewMethod); 
    objClassMethods->add(new Symbol("subclass"), new SubclassMethod); 
    objClassMethods->add(new Symbol("method"), new MethodMethod); 
    Environment* objData = new Environment(emptyList, emptyList, 0); 
    objData->add(new Symbol("names"), emptyList()); 
    objData->add(new Symbol("methods"), objMethods); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("Object"), new Object(objClassMethods, objData)); 
    // now make the integer methods 
    IntegerMethods = new Environment(emptyList, emptyList, objMethods); 
    Environment* im = IntegerMethods; 
    // the integer methods are just as before 
    im->add(new Symbol("+"), new IntegerBinaryMethod(PlusFunction)); 
    im->add(new Symbol(""), new IntegerBinaryMethod(MinusFunction)); 
    im->add(new Symbol(""), new IntegerBinaryMethod(TimesFunction)); 
    im->add(new Symbol("/"), new IntegerBinaryMethod(DivideFunction)); 
    im->add(new Symbol("="), new IntegerBinaryMethod(IntEqualFunction)); 
    im->add(new Symbol("<"), new IntegerBinaryMethod(LessThanFunction)); 
    im->add(new Symbol(">"), new IntegerBinaryMethod(GreaterThanFunction)); 
    im->add(new Symbol("if"), new IfMethod); 
    ge->add(new Symbol("Integer"), new Object(objClassMethods, objData)); 
    return reader; 
Listing 7.11: Initializing the Smalltalk interpreter

Chapter 8
The Prolog interpreter

As with chapters 3 and 7, I have in this chapter taken great liberties with the syntax used by Kamin in his interpreter. However, unlike chapters 3 and 7, where my intent was to make the interpreters closer in spirit to the original language, my intent here is to simplify the interpreter. Specically, I wanted to build on the base interpreter, just as we have done for all other languages. I am able to do this by adopting continuations as the fundamental basis for my implementation, and by basing the code on slightly dierent primitives.

The language used by this interpreter has the following characteristics:

For example, suppose sam is the father of alice, and alice is the mother of sally. We might encode this in a parent database as follows:

-> (define parent (X Y) 
           (and (:=: X alice) (:=: Y sally)) 
               (and (:=: X sam) (:=: Y alice)) 

The query statement can then be used to ask queries of the database. For example, we can nd out who is the parent of alice as follows:

-> (query (and (parent X alice) (print X))) 

Or we can nd the child of alice with the following:

-> (query (and (parent alice X) (print X))) 

If we ask a question that does not have an answer, the response not-ok is printed.

-> (query (and (parent fred X) (print X))) 
not ok

Prolog style rules can be introduced using the same form we have been using for functions.

-> (define grandparent (X Y) 
        (and (parent X Z) (parent Z Y))) 
-> (query (and (grandparent A B) (print A) (print B))) 

There is no built-in way to force a relation to cycle through all alternatives. However, this is easily accomplished by making a relation that will always fail, for example trying to unify apples with oranges:

-> (define fail () (:=: apples oranges))

We can then use this to print out all the parents in our database. Notice that not-ok is printed, since we eventually fail.

-> (query (and (parent X Y) (print X) (fail))) 
not ok

Note - although it might appear the use of and's and or's is more powerful than writing rules in horn clauses, in fact they are identical; although horn clauses will often require the introduction of unnecessary names. I myself nd this formulation more natural, although I'm not exactly unbiased.

Unication of two unknown symbols works as expected. If any symbol subsequently becomes dened, the other is dened as well.

-> (define same (X Y) (:=: X Y)) 
-> (query (and (same A B) (:=: A sally) (print B))) 

I will divide the discussion of the implementation into three parts. These are unication, symbol management, and backtracking.

8.1 Unication

Unication is the basis for logic programming. Using unication, unbound variables can be bound together. As we saw in the last example, this is more than simple assignment. If two unknown variables are unied together and subsequently one is bound, the other should be bound also. Unication also diers from assignment in that it can be \undone" during the process of backtracking.

Unication is most easily implemented by introducing a level of indirection. Prolog values will be represented by a new type of expression, called PrologValue (Figure 8.1). Instances of this class maintain a data value, which is either undened (that is, null), a symbol, or another prolog value. The prolog reader is modied so as to return a prolog value were formerly a symbol was returned. (Also the reader will no longer recognize integers, which are not used in our simplied interpreter).

A prolog value that contains a symbol is used to represent the prolog symbol of the same name. A prolog value that contains an empty data value represents a currently unbound value. Finally a prolog value that points to another prolog value represents the unication of the rst value with the second. Whenever we need the value of a prolog symbol, we rst run down the chain of indirections to get to the bottom of the sequence. (This is done automatically by the overridden method isSymbol, which will yield the symbol value behind arbitrary levels of indirection if a prolog value represents a symbol.)

class PrologValue 
    public Expression 
    Expr data; 
    PrologValue(Expression* d) 
        data = d; 
    virtual ~PrologValue() 
        data = 0; 
    virtual void print(); 
    virtual void eval(Expr&, Environment*, Environment*); 
    virtual Symbol* isSymbol(); 
    virtual PrologValue* isPrologValue() 
        return this; 
    int isUndefined() 
        return data() == 0; 
    void setUndefined() 
        data = 0; 
    PrologValue* indirectPtr(); 
    void setIndirect(PrologValue* v) 
        data = v; 
Listing 8.1: The class declaration for prolog values

The unication algorithm is shown in Figure 8.2. For reasons we will return to when we discuss backtracking, the algorithm takes three arguments. The rst is a reference to a pointer to a prolog value. If the unication process changes the value of either the the two other arguments, the pointer in the rst argument is set to the altered value.

static int unify(PrologValue* &c, PrologValue* a, PrologValue* b) 
    // if either one is undefined, set it to the other 
    if (a->isUndefined()) 
        c = a; 
        return 1; 
    if (b->isUndefined()) 
        c = b; 
        return 1; 
    // if either one are indirect, run down chain 
    PrologValue* indirval; 
    indirval = a->indirectPtr(); 
    if (indirval) 
        return unify(c, indirval, b); 
    indirval = b->indirectPtr(); 
    if (indirval) 
        return unify(c, a, indirval); 
    // both must now be symbolic, work if the same 
    c = 0; 
    Symbol* as = a->isSymbol(); 
    Symbol* bs = b->isSymbol(); 
    if ((!as) || (!bs)) 
        error("impossible", "unification of nonsymbols"); 
    else if (strcmp(as->name(), bs->name()) == 0) 
        return 1; 
    return 0; 
Listing 8.2: The Unication process

The unication process divides naturally into three parts. If either argument is undened, it is changed so as to point to the other arguments. This is true regardless of the state of the other argument. This is how two undened variables can be unied - the rst is set to point to the second. If the second is subsequently changed, the rst will still indirectly point to the new value. Suppose it is, however, the rst that is subsequently changed? In that case the next portion of the unication algorithm is entered. If both arguments are dened and either one is an indirection, then we simply try to unify the next level down in the pointer chains. (Note: Lots of pictures would make this clearer, but I don't have time right now..). If neither argument is undened nor an indirection, they both must be symbols. In that case, unication is successful if and only if they have the same textual representation.

8.2 Symbol Management

The only signicant problem here is that symbolic constants must evaluate to themselves and that symbolic variables can be introduced without declaration. We see the latter in sequences such as:

-> (define grandparent (X Y) 
        (and (parent X Z) (parent Z Y))) 
-> (query (and (grandparent A B) (print A) (print B))) 

Here the variable Z suddenly appears without prior use. The solution to both of these problems is found in the code used to respond to the eval request for a Prolog value. This code is shown in Figure 8.3. The virtual method isSymbol runs down any indirection links, returning the symbol data value if the last value in a chain of indirections represents a symbolic constant. If a symbol is found, we rst look to see if the symbol is bound in the current environment. If so we simply return its binding1 . If not, if the symbol begins with a lower case letter it evaluates to itself, and so we simply return it. If it is not a symbolic constant, than it is a new symbolic variable, and we add a binding to the current environment to indicate that the value is so-far undened. Thus new symbols are added to the current environment as they are encountered, instead of generating error messages as they did in previous interpreters.

Symbol* PrologValue::isSymbol() 
    PrologValue* iptr = indirectPtr(); 
    if (iptr) 
        return iptr->isSymbol(); 
    if (!isUndefined()) 
        return data()->isSymbol(); 
    return 0; 
void PrologValue::eval(Expr& target, Environment* valueOps, Environment* rho) 
    Symbol* s = isSymbol(); 
    if (s) 
        const char* p = s->name(); 
        Expression* r = rho->lookup(s); 
        if (r) 
            target = r; 
        // symbol is not known 
        // if lower case, eval to itself 
        if ((*p >= 'a') && (*p <= 'z')) 
            // symbols eval to themselves 
            target = this; 
        // else make a new symbol 
        target = new PrologValue(0); 
        rho->add(s, target()); 
    target = this; 
Listing 8.3: Evaluation of a prolog symbol

8.3 Backtracking

The seem to be two general approaches to implementing logic programming languages. The technique used by most modern prolog systems is called the WAM, or Warren Abstract Machine. The WAM performs backtracking by not popping the activation frame stack when a procedure is terminated, and saving enough information to restart the procedure in a record called the \choice point". Since in our interpreters calling a function is performed by recursively calling evaluation routines inside the interpreter, the activation stack for the users program is held in part in the activation stack for the interpreter itself. Thus it is dicult for us to manipulate the activation record stack directly. The alternative technique, which is actually historically older, is to build up an unevaluated expression that represents what it is you want to do next before you ever start execution. This is called a continuation, and we were introduced to this idea in the chapter on Scheme. When we are faced with a choice, we can then try one alternative and the continuation, and if that doesn't work try the next.

In general continuations are simply arbitrary expressions representing \what to do next". In our case they will always return a boolean value, indicating whether they are to be considered successful or not. We will sometimes refer to the continuation as the \future", since it represents the calculation we want to perform in the future.

In order to illustrate how backtracking can be implemented using continuation, let us consider the following invocation of our family database:

(query (and (grandparent sam A) (print A)))

There are two important points to note. The rst is that the general approach will be a two step process, construct the future that represents the calculation we want to do, then do it. The second point is that the details are exceedingly messy; you should be eternally grateful that it is the computer that is performing this task, and not you.

To begin, the continuation that represents what it is we want to do after evaluating the query is the null continuation, an expression that merely returns true. In order to try to keep track of the multiple levels of evaluation, let us write this as follows:

(and (grandparent sam A) (print A)) [ true ]

This says that we want to evaluate the and relation, and then do the calculation given by the bracketed expression.

Consider now the meaning of and. The and expression should evaluate the rst relation, and if successful evaluate the second, and nally if that is successful evaluate the future given to the original expression. What then is the \future" of the rst relation? It is simply the second relation and the original future. That is, the calculation we want to perform if the rst relation is successful is simply the following:

(print A) [ true ]

We can wrap this in a bracket in order to make a continuation in our form out of it. Using this as the future for the rst relation gives us the following:

(grandparent sam A) [ (print A) [ true ] ]

We are in eect turning the calculation inside out. We have replaced the and conjunction with a list of expressions to evaluate in the future.

The invocation of the grandparent relation causes the expression to be replaced by the function denition, with the arguments suitably bound to the parameters. That is, the eect is the same as:2

(and (parent sam Z) (parent Z A)) [ (print A) [ true ] ]

We have already analyzed the meaning of the and relation. The future we want to provide for the rst relation is the expression yielded by:

(parent Z A) [ (print A) [ true ] ]

As before, we can expand the invocation of the parent relation by replacing it by its denition, making suitable transformations of the argument values.

    (and (:=: Z alice) (:=: A sally)) 
    (and (:=: Z sam) (:=: A alice)) ) 
         [ (print A) [ true ] ]

The or relation should try each alternative in turn, passing it as the future the continuation passed to the or. If any is successful we should return success, otherwise the or should fail. Thus we can distribute the future to each clause of the or, and rewrite it as follows:3

if (and (:=: Z alice) (:=: A sally)) 
    [ (print A) [ true ] ] 
then return true 
else if (and (:=: Z sam) (:=: A alice)) ) 
    [ (print A) [ true ] ] 
then return true 
else return false

If we perform the already-dened transformations on the and relations we obtain the following:

if (:=: Z alice) [ (:=: A sally) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
then return true 
else if (:=: Z sam) [ (:=: A alice) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
then return true 
else return false

Recall that this was all performed just to construct the continuation for the rst clause in an earlier expression. Thus the expression we are now working on is as follows:

(parent sam Z) [ 
    if (:=: Z alice) [ (:=: A sally) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
    then return true 
    else if (:=: Z sam) [ (:=: A alice) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
    then return true 
    else return false ]

We before, we can expand the call on parent by its denition:4

    (and (:=: sam alice) (:=: Z sally)) 
    (and (:=: sam sam) (:=: Z alice))) 
[ if (:=: Z alice) [ (:=: A sally) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
    then return true 
    else if (:=: Z sam) [ (:=: A alice) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
    then return true 
    else return false ]

Once again distributing the future along each argument of the or expression yields:

if (and (:=: sam alice) (:=: Z sally)) 
    [ if (:=: Z alice) [ (:=: A sally) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
    then return true 
    else if (:=: Z sam) [ (:=: A alice) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
    then return true 
    else return false ] 
then return true 
else if (and (:=: sam sam) (:=: Z alice)) 
    [ if (:=: Z alice) [ (:=: A sally) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
    then return true 
    else if (:=: Z sam) [ (:=: A alice) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
    then return true 
    else return false ] 
else return false

Performing yet one more time the transformations on the and relations yields:

if (:=: sam alice) [ (:=: Z sally) 
    [ if (:=: Z alice) [ (:=: A sally) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
    then return true 
    else if (:=: Z sam) [ (:=: A alice) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
    then return true 
    else return false ] ] 
then return true 
else if (:=: sam sam) [ (:=: Z alice) 
    [ if (:=: Z alice) [ (:=: A sally) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
    then return true 
    else if (:=: Z sam) [ (:=: A alice) [ (print A) [ true ] ] ] 
    then return true 
    else return false ] 
then return true 
else return false

This is the nal continuation that is constructed by the query expression. The most important feature of this expression is that it can be evaluated in a forward fashion, without backtracking. Having generated it, the next step is execution. Contrast this with the description we provided earlier. First an attempt is made to unify the symbols sam and alice. This fails, and thus the continuation for the rst conditional is ignored. Next an attempt is made to unify the symbols sam and sam. This is successful, and thus we evaluate the continuation to the next expression. The continuation unies Z and alice, binding the left-hand variable to the right-hand symbol. The continuation for that expression then trys to unify Z and alice, which is successful. Thus variable A is bound to sally, and is printed.5

Having described the general approach our interpreter will follow, we will now go on to provide the specic details.

Our continuations are built around a new datatype, which we will call the Continuation. A continuation should be thought of as an unevaluated boolean expression. The continuation performs some action, which may or may not succeed. The success of the action is indicated by the boolean value returned. The class Continuation is shown in Figure 8.4. The routine used to invoke a relation is the virtual method withContinuation, which takes as argument the future for the continuation.

class Continuation 
    public Expression 
    virtual int withContinuation(Continuation*); 
    virtual void print() 
    virtual Continuation* isContinuation() 
        return this; 
static Continuation* nothing;   // the null continuation 
int Continuation::withContinuation(Continuation* future) 
    // default is to always work 
    return 1; 
Listing 8.4: The class Continuation

Initially there is nothing we want to do in the future. So the initial relation simply ignores its future, does nothing and always succeeds. In fact, in our implementation we maintain a global variable called nothing to hold this relation. You can think of this variable as maintaining the relation [ true ].

The simplest relation is the one correspond to the command to print. When a print relation is created, the value it will eventually print is saved as part of the relation. If the argument passed to the print relation is, following any indirection, a symbolic value than it is printed out, and the future passed to the relation is invoked. If the argument was not a symbol, or if the future calculation was unsuccessful, then the relation indicates its failure by returning a zero value. The code to accomplish this is shown in Figure 8.5.

class PrintContinuation 
    public Continuation 
    Expr val; 
    PrintContinuation(Expression* x) 
        val = x; 
    virtual ~PrintContinuation() 
        val = 0; 
    virtual int withContinuation(Continuation*); 
int PrintContinuation::withContinuation(Continuation* future) 
    // see if we are a symbol, if so print it out 
    Symbol* s = val()->isSymbol(); 
    if (s) 
        printf("%snn", s->name()); 
        return future->withContinuation(nothing); 
    return 0; 
Listing 8.5: The print relation

Next let us consider the unication relation. As with printing, the two expressions representing the elements to be unied are saved when the unication operator is encountered during the construction of the future. When we invoke this relation the two arguments are unied, using the algorithm we have previously described. If this unication is successful the relation attempts to evaluate the future continuation. Only if both of these are successful does the relation return one. If either the unication fails or the future fails then the binding created by the unify procedure is undone and failure is reported. (Figure 8.6).

class UnifyContinuation 
    public Continuation 
    Expr left; 
    Expr right; 
    UnifyContinuation(Expression* a, Expression* b) 
        left = a; 
        right = b; 
    virtual ~UnifyContinuation() 
        left = 0; 
        right = 0; 
    virtual int withContinuation(Continuation*); 
int UnifyContinuation::withContinuation(Continuation* future) 
    PrologValue* a = left()->isPrologValue(); 
    PrologValue* b = right()->isPrologValue(); 
    // the following shouldn't ever happen, but check anyway 
    if ((!a) || (!b)) 
        error("impossible", "missing prolog values in unification"); 
        return 0; 
    // now try unification 
    PrologValue* c = 0; 
    if (unify(c, a, b) && future->withContinuation(nothing)) 
        return 1; 
    // didn't work, undo assignment and fail 
    if (c) 
    return 0; 
Listing 8.6: The unication relation

Next consider the or relation (Figure 8.7). This relation takes some number of argument relations. It tries each in turn, followed by the future it has been provided with. If any succeeds then it returns a true value, otherwise if all fail it returns a failure indication.

class OrContinuation 
    public Continuation 
    List relArgs; 
    OrContinuation(ListNode* args) 
        relArgs = args; 
    virtual ~OrContinuation() 
        relArgs = 0; 
    virtual int withContinuation(Continuation*); 
int OrContinuation::withContinuation(Continuation* future) 
    ListNode* args; 
    // try each alternative in turn 
    for (args = relArgs; !args->isNil(); args = args->tail()) 
        Continuation* r = args->head()->isContinuation(); 
        if (!r) 
            error("or argument is nonrelation"); 
            return 0; 
        if (r->withContinuation(future)) 
            return 1; 
    // nothing worked 
    return 0; 
Listing 8.7: The or relation

It is in the or relation that backtracking occurs, although it is dicult to tell from the code shown here. Recall that the unication algorithm undoes the eect of any assignment if the continuation passed to it cannot be performed. Thus the future that is passed to the or relation may be invoked several times before we nally nd a sequence of assignments that works.

The and relation is perhaps the most interesting. To understand this let us rst take the case of only two relations, which we will call rel1 and rel2. Let f represent the continuation we wish to evaluate if the and relation is successful. What then is the future we should pass to the rst relation? If the rst relation is successful, we want to evaluate the second relation and then the continuation. Thus the future for the rst relation is the composition of the future for the second relation and the original continuation. This can be written as rel2(f), but we must make it into a continuation, we we create a new datatype called a CompositionContinuation. Interestingly, this composition relation ignores its continuation, and is merely executed for its side eect. This is the future we want to pass to the rst relation. We can generalize this to any number of arguments. For example the and of three arguments should return the value produced by rel1([rel2([rel3([f])])]), and so on.

The composition step is performed by the datatype ComposeContinuation, shown in Figure 8.8. As in our description, when a composition relation is evaluated it ignores the future it is provided with and merely returns the rst relation provided with the second relation as its future. Having dened this, the and relation (Figure 8.9) is a simple recursive invocation.

class ComposeContinuation 
    public Continuation 
    Expr left; 
    Expr right; 
    ComposeContinuation(Expression* a, Expression* b) 
        left = a; 
        right = b; 
    virtual ~ComposeContinuation() 
        left = 0; 
        right = 0; 
    virtual int withContinuation(Continuation*); 
int ComposeContinuation::withContinuation(Continuation* future) 
    Continuation* a = left()->isContinuation(); 
    Continuation* b = right()->isContinuation(); 
    if ((!a) || (!b)) 
        error("and with non relations"); 
        return 0; 
    return a->withContinuation(b); 
Listing 8.8: The compose continuation

class AndContinuation 
    public Continuation 
    List relArgs; 
    AndContinuation(ListNode* args) 
        relArgs = args; 
    virtual ~AndContinuation() 
        relArgs = 0; 
    virtual int withContinuation(Continuation*); 
int AndContinuation::withContinuation(Continuation* future) 
    ListNode* args; 
    args = relArgs; 
    Continuation* newrel = future; 
    for (int i = args->length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
        newrel = new ComposeContinuation(args->at(i), newrel); 
    Expr p(newrel);            // for gc purposes 
    int result = newrel->withContinuation(nothing); 
    // p = 0; 
    return result; 
Listing 8.9: The and relation

You may have noticed that the class Continuation is not a subclass of class Function, and yet we have been discussing continuations as if they were functions. This is easily explained. Recall that evaluating a relation in our approach is a two-step process. First the relation is constructed, and in the second step the future is brought to life. The functional parts of each of the four relation-building operations are concerned only with the rst part of this task. These are all trivial functions, shown in Figure 8.10.

class UnifyOperation 
    public BinaryFunction 
    virtual void applyWithArgs(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment*) 
        target = new UnifyContinuation(args->at(0), args->at(1)); 
class PrintOperation 
    public UnaryFunction 
    virtual void applyWithArgs(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment*) 
        target = new PrintContinuation(args->at(0)); 
class AndOperation 
    public Function 
    virtual void applyWithArgs(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment*) 
        target = new AndContinuation(args); 
class OrOperation 
    public Function 
    virtual void applyWithArgs(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment*) 
        target = new OrContinuation(args); 
Listing 8.10: Building the Relations

The query statement is responsible for the construction and execution of the continuation corresponding to its argument. The function implementing the query statement is shown in Figure 8.11. A new environment is created prior to evaluating the arguments so that bindings created for new variables do not get entered into the global environment. Then the continuation is constructed, simply by evaluating the argument. If this process is successful, the continuation is then executed, and if the continuation is successful the symbol ok is yielded as the result (and thus printed by the read-eval-print loop). If the continuation is not successful the symbol not-ok is generated.

class QueryStatement 
    public Function 
    virtual void apply(Expr&, ListNode*, Environment*); 
void QueryStatement::apply(Expr& target, ListNode* args, Environment* rho) 
    if (args->length() != 1) 
        target = error("wrong number of args to query"); 
    // we make a new environment to isolate any new variables defined 
    Env newrho(new Environment(emptyList, emptyList, rho)); 
    args->at(0)->eval(target, valueOps, newrho); 
    Continuation* f = 0; 
    if (target()) 
        f = target()->isContinuation(); 
    if (!f) 
        target = error("query given nonrelation"); 
    if (f->withContinuation(nothing)) 
        target = new Symbol("ok"); 
        target = new Symbol("not ok"); 
Listing 8.11: Implementation of the query statement

The initialization function for the prolog interpreter (Figure 8.12) is one of the shortest we have seen. It is only necessary to create the two commands dene and query, and the four relational-building operations.

ReaderClass* initialize() 
    // create the reader/parser 
    ReaderClass* reader = new PrologReader; 
    // make the empty relation 
    nothing = new Continuation; 
    // make the operators that are legal inside of relations 
    Environment* rops = valueOps; 
    rops->add(new Symbol("print"), new PrintOperation); 
    rops->add(new Symbol(":=:"), new UnifyOperation); 
    rops->add(new Symbol("and"), new AndOperation); 
    rops->add(new Symbol("or"), new OrOperation); 
    // initialize the commands environment 
    Environment* cmds = commands; 
    cmds->add(new Symbol("define"), new DefineStatement); 
    cmds->add(new Symbol("query"), new QueryStatement); 
    return reader; 
Listing 8.12: Initialization of the Prolog interpreter

Possible Future Changes

The following list represents a few of the ideas that occurred to me as I was developing these interpreters for how things might be done dierently. These are presented in no particular order. (Nor as any particularly grave criticism of the Kamin interpreters - I still think the book as a whole is very good).