Table of Contents

1 Documentation Doc

  • DONE Complete the replacement of \begin{lstlisting} for \lstinputlisting
    CLOSED: 2014-01-19 Sun 17:35
    such that all code listings are imported directly from the source files in Src. See chap.tex for an example of what needs to be done. Note that using the annotation syntax /// <lable name> the Makefile generates the list of first and last line numbers automatically. See Src/main.C for an example.
  • TODO Rename files to correspond to the languages rather than the chapters
    Alternatively combine the language name and the chapter number e.g. "chap2_lisp.tex"

2 Source code Src

  • DONE Complete the conversion of member functions and arguments to const
    CLOSED: 2014-01-19 Sun 17:36
    where appropriate. Once this is done the const_cast statements can be removed.
  • TODO Introduce a namespace
    e.g. Kamin or Budd or BuddKamin.
  • TODO Update Makefile adding proper dependency checking.
  • DONE Rename files to correspond to the languages rather than the chapters.
    CLOSED: 2014-01-14 Tue 22:54
  • TODO Replace use of char* with C++ std::string
  • TODO Replace C IO functions with C++ std::iostream operators.
  • TODO Complete updating Kamin test codes for the Budd versions of the intepreters
  • TODO Use valgrind to test for memory leaks
  • TODO Improve handling for args to resolve memory leaks
    To temporarily fix memory leaks in the interpreters originating from the ListNode* args being created on free-store but not always transferred to a reference-counted List structure in the environment they are now explicitly deleted at the end of function in which it is known they will not be needed anymore. It would be MUCH better if they were created as reference-counted list structures in the first place and parsed around and automatically deleted if they do out of scope without being held somewhere incrementing the count. i.e. make full use of RAII in C++. This is a substantial undertaking as currently destructors and RAII are not used and would require a lot of change to the reference-counting framework and classes.

3 Release GitHub

  • TODO When the code is updated release on GitHub

Date: 2014-01-22T06:55+0000

Org version 7.9.3f with Emacs version 24

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