youtoo Functions Generated 27 January 2011, 22:37:24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Legend --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The binding entries are listed in the following format: NAME INDEX_IN_ORIGINAL_MODULE ORIGINAL_MODULE_NAME ORIGINAL_NAME Global variables begin with * and end with * (e.g. *foo*). Classes begin with < and end with > (e.g. ). Not all of the level-1 and syntax-1 functions are mentioned in the EuLisp Definition. Please, consult the EuLisp Definition for further details. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bindings in /home/dm2/henry/EuLisp/EuLisp/Lib.x86_64/u2/liblevel-1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- != 7 compare != % 15 number % * 23 number * *absent* 47 boot1 *absent* *argc* 29 boot1 *argc* *argv* 27 boot1 *argv* *backtrace-nframes* 34 boot *backtrace-nframes* *callback-vector* 6 callback *callback-vector* *current-no-dynamic-variables* 7 dynamic *current-no-dynamic-variables* *current-no-error-handlers* 4 dynamic *current-no-error-handlers* *default-error-handler* 3 condition *default-error-handler* *dispatch-macro-character-table* 17 read *dispatch-macro-character-table* *double-size-in-decimal-digits* 3 stream *double-size-in-decimal-digits* *error* 14 boot *error* *int-size-in-decimal-digits* 22 stream *int-size-in-decimal-digits* *min-table-entries* 17 table1 *min-table-entries* *open-file-streams* 37 stream2 *open-file-streams* *open-file-streams*-lock 11 stream2 *open-file-streams*-lock *random-max* 3 random *random-max* *stack-nvalues* 10 boot *stack-nvalues* *table-fill-factor* 11 table1 *table-fill-factor* *warning* 3 boot *warning* + 11 number + - 4 number - / 10 number / < 3 compare < <= 8 compare <= 19 stream2 2 string 5 character 86 mop-class 22 collect 8 condition 2 socket 82 mop-class 15 thread 5 handler 8 float 6 stream2 3 stream2 4 stream2 4 float 6 fpi 27 mop-class 32 mop-class 5 condition 51 mop-class 2 handler 13 table1 4 handler 2 integer 92 mop-class 74 mop-class 59 mop-class 2 lock 71 mop-class 25 mop-class 39 mop-class 28 mop-class 7 number 22 mop-class 9 read 8 lock 7 collect 81 mop-class 2 mop-class 16 mop-class 18 table1 63 mop-class 34 thread 57 mop-class 8 socket 25 thread 39 stream2 23 stream2 20 stream2 6 handler 46 stream2 13 string 5 mop-class 3 table1
8 thread 9 vector = 2 compare = > 4 compare > >= 11 compare >= CB-difference-underflow 3 callback CB-difference-underflow CB-product-overflow 18 callback CB-product-overflow CB-read-overflow 9 callback CB-read-overflow CB-sum-overflow 11 callback CB-sum-overflow O_APPEND 7 stream1 O_APPEND O_CREAT 8 stream1 O_CREAT O_EXCL 12 stream1 O_EXCL O_NONBLOCK 10 stream1 O_NONBLOCK O_RDONLY 4 stream1 O_RDONLY O_RDWR 2 stream1 O_RDWR O_TRUNC 13 stream1 O_TRUNC O_WRONLY 11 stream1 O_WRONLY abs 20 number abs accumulate 23 collect accumulate accumulate-list 26 list accumulate-list accumulate-vector 13 vector accumulate-vector accumulate1 12 collect accumulate1 accumulate1-list 24 list accumulate1-list accumulate1-vector 7 vector accumulate1-vector add-method 8 mop-meth add-method add-subclass 10 mop-defcl add-subclass all1-table? 5 table all1-table? all1-vector? 10 vector all1-vector? all? 16 collect all? allocate 8 mop-gf allocate alnump 8 character alnump alphap 4 character alphap any? 24 collect any? anyp1-list 31 boot anyp1-list anyp1-table 8 table anyp1-table anyp1-vector 4 vector anyp1-vector anyp2-list 12 boot anyp2-list append 8 boot append append! 23 boot append! apply 5 boot apply as-lowercase 3 character as-lowercase as-proper-list 16 list as-proper-list as-uppercase 6 character as-uppercase assoc-list-ref 22 boot assoc-list-ref atom? 37 boot1 atom? backtrace 9 boot backtrace binary% 6 number binary% binary* 12 number binary* binary+ 14 number binary+ binary- 9 number binary- binary-gcd 25 number binary-gcd binary-lcm 19 number binary-lcm binary-mod 8 number binary-mod binary/ 17 number binary/ binary< 6 compare binary< binary= 9 compare binary= bit-and 2 bit bit-and bit-ior 5 bit bit-ior bit-not 4 bit bit-not bit-shift 3 bit bit-shift bit-xor 6 bit bit-xor buffered-stream? 15 stream2 buffered-stream? caaaar 13 list caaaar caaadr 36 list caaadr caaar 34 list caaar caadar 21 list caadar caaddr 14 list caaddr caadr 23 list caadr caar 39 list caar cadaar 7 list cadaar cadadr 18 list cadadr cadar 29 list cadar caddar 5 list caddar cadddr 19 list cadddr caddr 32 list caddr cadr 30 list cadr call/ep 2 let-cc call/ep call1/cc 18 thread call1/cc car 30 boot1 car cdaaar 4 list cdaaar cdaadr 41 list cdaadr cdaar 33 list cdaar cdadar 35 list cdadar cdaddr 44 list cdaddr cdadr 31 list cdadr cdar 6 list cdar cddaar 27 list cddaar cddadr 12 list cddadr cddar 9 list cddar cdddar 11 list cdddar cddddr 2 list cddddr cdddr 43 list cdddr cddr 20 list cddr cdr 36 boot1 cdr ceiling 9 float ceiling cerror 3 format cerror character-as-string 11 character character-as-string character? 33 boot1 character? class-abstract? 85 mop-class class-abstract? class-code 21 mop-class class-code class-direct-subclasses 73 mop-class class-direct-subclasses class-direct-superclasses 79 mop-class class-direct-superclasses class-instance-length 84 mop-class class-instance-length class-keywords 80 mop-class class-keywords class-keywordz 26 mop-class class-keywordz class-name 14 mop-class class-name class-of 5 mop-inspect class-of class-precedence-list 6 mop-class class-precedence-list class-size 29 mop-class class-size class-slot-defaults 78 mop-class class-slot-defaults class-slots 58 mop-class class-slots class-slotz 75 mop-class class-slotz class? 4 mop-inspect class? clear-table 14 table1 clear-table collectionp 21 collect collectionp compatible-superclass? 8 mop-alloc compatible-superclass? compatible-superclasses? 14 mop-alloc compatible-superclasses? compute-and-ensure-slot-accessors 10 mop-access compute-and-ensure-slot-accessors compute-class-codes 2 mop-init compute-class-codes compute-class-precedence-list 13 mop-alloc compute-class-precedence-list compute-defined-slot 7 mop-alloc compute-defined-slot compute-defined-slot-class 12 mop-alloc compute-defined-slot-class compute-discriminating-function 12 mop-meth compute-discriminating-function compute-inherited-keywords 10 mop-alloc compute-inherited-keywords compute-inherited-slots 3 mop-alloc compute-inherited-slots compute-keywords 6 mop-alloc compute-keywords compute-method-lookup-function 7 mop-meth compute-method-lookup-function compute-primitive-reader-using-class 9 mop-access compute-primitive-reader-using-class compute-primitive-reader-using-slot 4 mop-access compute-primitive-reader-using-slot compute-primitive-writer-using-class 13 mop-access compute-primitive-writer-using-class compute-primitive-writer-using-slot 7 mop-access compute-primitive-writer-using-slot compute-slot-reader 12 mop-access compute-slot-reader compute-slot-writer 11 mop-access compute-slot-writer compute-slots 9 mop-alloc compute-slots compute-specialized-slot 15 mop-alloc compute-specialized-slot compute-specialized-slot-class 2 mop-alloc compute-specialized-slot-class concatenate 17 collect concatenate condition-message 6 condition condition-message condition? 7 condition condition? connect 20 stream connect connection-host 5 socket connection-host connection-port 7 socket connection-port connection? 4 socket connection? cons 2 boot1 cons cons-keywords 88 mop-class cons-keywords cons-size 23 mop-class cons-size cons-slot-defaults 46 mop-class cons-slot-defaults cons-slots 53 mop-class cons-slots cons? 44 boot1 cons? control-block-buffer 33 stream2 control-block-buffer control-block-buffer-cnt 48 stream2 control-block-buffer-cnt control-block-buffer-pos 10 stream2 control-block-buffer-pos control-block-buffer-size 8 stream2 control-block-buffer-size control-block-descriptor 43 stream2 control-block-descriptor control-block-file-name 34 stream2 control-block-file-name control-block-mode 29 stream2 control-block-mode control-block-stream-pos 21 stream2 control-block-stream-pos convert 2 convert convert converter 13 mop-class converter cpl-subclass? 11 mop-inspect cpl-subclass? cpu-time 13 boot1 cpu-time current-thread 22 thread current-thread current-thread-queue 24 thread current-thread-queue dec 46 boot1 dec deep-copy 3 copy deep-copy delete 26 collect delete digit? 7 character digit? disconnect 40 stream2 disconnect discriminating-domain 6 mop-gf discriminating-domain do 6 collect do do1-list 17 boot do1-list do1-list-last-special 15 list do1-list-last-special do1-string 10 string do1-string do1-table 9 table do1-table do1-vector 16 vector do1-vector do2-list 22 list do2-list do2-vector 5 vector do2-vector dot 19 read dot double-float? 6 float double-float? dynamic-variable-ref 3 dynamic dynamic-variable-ref element 20 collect element else 14 boot1 else emptyp 3 collect emptyp end-of-stream 18 stream2 end-of-stream ensure-slot-reader 2 mop-access ensure-slot-reader ensure-slot-writer 6 mop-access ensure-slot-writer eos 6 read eos eos-default-value 5 stream2 eos-default-value eq 22 boot1 eq eql 45 boot1 eql error 13 boot error error-no-applicable-methods 15 mop-gf error-no-applicable-methods even? 5 integer even? exit 20 boot1 exit file-control-block? 25 stream2 file-control-block? file-lookup 19 stream file-lookup file-stream? 50 stream2 file-stream? fill 19 collect fill fill-buffer 2 stream2 fill-buffer filter-keywords 3 mop-key filter-keywords finalize 14 mop-gf finalize find 14 collect find find-key 2 mop-key find-key find-slot 9 mop-defcl find-slot find-slot-names 5 mop-access find-slot-names find1-list 8 list find1-list first-arithmetic-cb 16 callback first-arithmetic-cb float? 3 float float? floor 7 float floor flush 2 stream flush flush-buffer 24 stream2 flush-buffer fmt 2 format fmt format 5 format format fpi-binary% 32 boot1 % fpi-binary* 35 boot1 * fpi-binary+ 15 boot1 + fpi-binary- 16 boot1 - fpi-binary-mod 41 boot1 mod fpi-binary/ 12 boot1 / fpi-binary< 43 boot1 < fpi-binary= 11 boot1 = fpi-zero? 25 boot1 fpi-zero? fpi? 34 boot1 fpi? fprintf 21 stream fprintf from-stream 47 stream2 from-stream function-domain 17 mop-class function-domain function-name 83 mop-class function-name function-size 20 mop-class function-size function-slot-defaults 77 mop-class function-slot-defaults function? 8 mop-inspect function? gcd 21 number gcd generic-connect 45 stream2 generic-connect generic-function-discriminating-function 41 mop-class generic-function-discriminating-function generic-function-domain 68 mop-class generic-function-domain generic-function-method-cache 65 mop-class generic-function-method-cache generic-function-method-class 55 mop-class generic-function-method-class generic-function-method-keywords 10 mop-class generic-function-method-keywords generic-function-method-lookup-function 37 mop-class generic-function-method-lookup-function generic-function-methods 48 mop-class generic-function-methods generic-function? 3 mop-inspect generic-function? generic-print 31 stream2 generic-print generic-read 44 stream2 generic-read generic-write 28 stream2 generic-write gensym 6 symbol gensym getenv 19 boot1 getenv gf-keywords 64 mop-class gf-keywords gf-reset-cache 3 mop-gf gf-reset-cache gf-size 34 mop-class gf-size gf-slot-defaults 42 mop-class gf-slot-defaults gf-slots 90 mop-class gf-slots graph? 10 character graph? handle 3 handler handle handler? 8 handler handler? hash-table? 8 table1 hash-table? hostname 3 stream1 hostname inc 21 boot1 inc init-class 3 mop-init init-class init-list-ref 32 boot init-list-ref initialize 12 mop-gf initialize install-callback 7 callback install-callback integer? 4 integer integer? keyword-name 7 mop-class keyword-name keyword? 2 symbol keyword? lcm 22 number lcm lispin 13 read lispin list 26 boot1 list list-drop 3 list list-drop list-equal 50 boot1 equal list-ref 26 boot list-ref list-remove 18 boot list-remove list-remove-duplicates 15 boot list-remove-duplicates list-size 19 boot list-size list-start 14 read list-start list-stop 7 read list-stop list? 5 boot1 list? listify-env-string 29 boot listify-env-string listify-string 5 string listify-string lock 3 lock lock lock? 5 lock lock? lowercase? 9 character lowercase? lsd-keywords 24 mop-class lsd-keywords lsd-size 56 mop-class lsd-size lsd-slot-defaults 4 mop-class lsd-slot-defaults lsd-slots 33 mop-class lsd-slots make 2 mop-gf make make-generic-function 16 mop-gf make-generic-function make-method 3 mop-meth make-method make-space 24 stream make-space make-vector 40 boot1 make-vector map 2 collect map map1-list 11 boot map1-list map1-list-last-special 28 list map1-list-last-special map1-string 4 string map1-string map1-table 2 table map1-table map1-vector 15 vector map1-vector map2-list 17 list map2-list map2-vector 12 vector map2-vector mapcan 7 boot mapcan max 5 compare max maximum-vector-size 14 vector maximum-vector-size member 11 collect member member-alist 42 list member-alist member-list 27 boot member-list member1-list 33 boot member1-list member1-vector 2 vector member1-vector method-domain 66 mop-class method-domain method-function 87 mop-class method-function method-generic-function 62 mop-class method-generic-function method-keywords 52 mop-class method-keywords method-size 72 mop-class method-size method-slot-defaults 40 mop-class method-slot-defaults method-slots 31 mop-class method-slots methodp 12 mop-inspect methodp min 10 compare min mod 18 number mod mode-table 5 stream1 mode-table most-negative-fpi 2 fpi most-negative-fpi most-positive-fpi 3 fpi most-positive-fpi name 8 collect name name-keywords 15 mop-class name-keywords name-size 49 mop-class name-size name-slot-defaults 89 mop-class name-slot-defaults name-slots 3 mop-class name-slots negate 13 number negate negative? 2 number negative? nl 15 stream nl null? 10 boot1 null? number? 24 number number? object-keywords 18 mop-class object-keywords object-size 12 mop-class object-size object-slots 11 mop-class object-slots object? 39 boot1 object? odd? 3 integer odd? open-file-streams 13 stream2 open-file-streams output-condition-contents 4 condition output-condition-contents output-list-contents 18 stream output-list-contents parse 28 read parse permute 18 vector permute pop-dynamic-variables 8 dynamic pop-dynamic-variables pop-error-handlers 6 dynamic pop-error-handlers positive? 3 number positive? pprint 3 mop-access pprint predefined-reader 6 mop-defcl predefined-reader predefined-writer 3 mop-defcl predefined-writer primitive-allocate 3 mop-prim primitive-allocate primitive-class-of 2 mop-prim primitive-class-of primitive-find-slot-position 7 mop-inspect primitive-find-slot-position primitive-format 48 boot1 format primitive-metaclass? 6 mop-inspect primitive-metaclass? primitive-prin 38 boot1 prin primitive-print 3 boot1 print primitive-ref 4 mop-prim primitive-ref primitive-slot-value 10 mop-inspect primitive-slot-value primitive-sprin 24 boot1 sprin primitive-sprint 28 boot1 sprint primitive-stderr 31 boot1 stderr primitive-stdout 52 boot1 stdout print 13 stream print print-address 5 stream print-address print-char 14 stream print-char print-string 11 stream print-string proper-list? 25 list proper-list? push-dynamic-variable 2 dynamic push-dynamic-variable push-error-handler 5 dynamic push-error-handler quasiquote-mark 21 read quasiquote-mark quote-mark 20 read quote-mark random 4 random random random-seed 5 random random-seed random-true-nil 2 random random-true-nil read 24 read read read-char 5 read read-char read-line 15 read read-line read-s-expression 12 read read-s-expression read-token 27 read read-token reconnect 17 stream2 reconnect remove 13 collect remove remove-class 4 mop-defcl remove-class reset 18 collect reset reverse 25 collect reverse reverse-list 28 boot reverse-list reverse-vector 17 vector reverse-vector reverse-vector! 11 vector reverse-vector! round 5 float round sd-keywords 19 mop-class sd-keywords sd-size 30 mop-class sd-size sd-slots 36 mop-class sd-slots select 5 collect select select-list 37 list select-list semaphore-counter 6 lock semaphore-counter semaphore? 7 lock semaphore? sequence? 10 collect sequence? set-dispatch-macro-character 16 read set-dispatch-macro-character setter 42 boot1 setter sf-direct-slot-defaults 50 mop-class sf-direct-slot-defaults sf-direct-slots 44 mop-class sf-direct-slots sf-size 67 mop-class sf-size sf-slot-defaults 35 mop-class sf-slot-defaults sf-slots 47 mop-class sf-slots sflush 16 stream sflush sformat 4 format sformat shallow-copy 2 copy shallow-copy sig= 10 mop-gf sig= signal 2 condition signal signum 5 number signum simple-function-code 76 mop-class simple-function-code simple-function-environment 54 mop-class simple-function-environment simple-function? 4 boot1 simple-function? simple-generic-function? 49 boot1 simple-generic-function? simple-hash-table? 6 table1 simple-hash-table? simple-thread? 39 thread simple-thread? size 9 collect size slice 4 collect slice slice-list 40 list slice-list slot-default 9 mop-class slot-default slot-keyword 69 mop-class slot-keyword slot-name 91 mop-class slot-name slot-reader 38 mop-class slot-reader slot-required? 8 mop-class slot-required? slot-value 8 mop-defcl slot-value slot-value-using-slot 11 mop-defcl slot-value-using-slot slot-writer 61 mop-class slot-writer slotp 13 mop-inspect slotp socket-descriptor 3 socket socket-descriptor socket-host 11 socket socket-host socket-port 9 socket socket-port socket-queue-size 6 socket socket-queue-size socket? 10 socket socket? sort 15 collect sort sort-list 16 boot sort-list special-tokens 30 read special-tokens spprint 8 mop-access spprint sprint 8 stream sprint sprint-char 12 stream sprint-char sprint-one-char 23 stream sprint-one-char sprintf 6 stream sprintf sread 10 read sread sread-s-expression 4 read sread-s-expression stable-add-method 5 mop-meth stable-add-method stack-values 4 boot stack-values state-context-stack 37 thread state-context-stack state-context-stack-size 12 thread state-context-stack-size state-value-stack 14 thread state-value-stack state-value-stack-size 35 thread state-value-stack-size stderr 9 stream2 stderr stdin 51 stream2 stdin stdout 35 stream2 stdout stream-control-block? 30 stream2 stream-control-block? stream-lock 32 stream2 stream-lock stream-mode 16 stream2 stream-mode stream-read-action 7 stream2 stream-read-action stream-sink 38 stream2 stream-sink stream-source 22 stream2 stream-source stream-write-action 12 stream2 stream-write-action stream? 41 stream2 stream? strerror 6 stream1 strerror string-append 11 string string-append string-data 12 string string-data string-empty? 7 string string-empty? string-equal 8 string string-equal string-ref 9 boot1 string-ref string-size 18 boot1 string-size string-stream-string-list 49 stream2 string-stream-string-list string-stream? 14 stream2 string-stream? string? 17 boot1 string? subclass? 2 mop-inspect subclass? substring 6 string substring subvector 3 vector subvector swrite 4 stream swrite symbol-exists? 4 symbol symbol-exists? symbol-name 70 mop-class symbol-name symbol? 23 boot1 symbol? system 51 boot1 system table-comparator 12 table1 table-comparator table-empty? 6 table table-empty? table-entries 19 table1 table-entries table-fill-value 20 table1 table-fill-value table-hash-function 15 table1 table-hash-function table-keys 2 table1 table-keys table-ref 7 table table-ref table-size 5 table1 table-size table-threshold 16 table1 table-threshold table-values 9 table1 table-values table? 7 table1 table? tconc 28 thread tconc the-method-lookup-function 7 mop-gf the-method-lookup-function thread-block 2 thread thread-block thread-continuation 29 thread thread-continuation thread-dynamic-variables 27 thread thread-dynamic-variables thread-error-handlers 16 thread thread-error-handlers thread-reschedule 7 thread thread-reschedule thread-return-value 20 thread thread-return-value thread-returned? 38 thread thread-returned? thread-start 26 thread thread-start thread-state 23 thread thread-state thread-suspend 4 thread thread-suspend thread-unblock 6 thread thread-unblock thread-value 5 thread thread-value thread? 30 thread thread? ticks-per-second 3 event ticks-per-second to-stream 27 stream2 to-stream truncate 2 float truncate unlock 4 lock unlock unquote-mark 8 read unquote-mark unquote-splicing-mark 26 read unquote-splicing-mark uppercase? 2 character uppercase? vector-append 8 vector vector-append vector-empty? 19 vector vector-empty? vector-ref 7 boot1 vector-ref vector-size 8 boot1 vector-size vector-start 18 read vector-start vector-stop 23 read vector-stop vector? 6 vector vector? wait 2 event wait warning 25 boot warning write 17 stream write zero? 16 number zero? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Bindings in /home/dm2/henry/EuLisp/EuLisp/Youtoo/Runtime/u2/syntax-1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and 4 boot0 and block 6 syntax-1 block butlast 13 syntax-1 butlast case 2 syntax-1 case catch 19 syntax-1 catch cond 3 boot0 cond defclass 11 mop-defcl0 defclass defcondition 16 syntax-1 defcondition defgeneric 2 mop-gf0 defgeneric defglobal 7 syntax-1 defglobal defmethod 5 mop-meth0 defmethod defmethod-args 2 mop-meth0 defmethod-args defmethod-body 7 mop-meth0 defmethod-body defmethod-domain 4 mop-meth0 defmethod-domain defmethod-keywords 9 mop-meth0 defmethod-keywords defmethod-sig 8 mop-meth0 defmethod-sig defprimclass 5 mop-defcl0 defprimclass dynamic 18 syntax-1 dynamic dynamic-let 11 syntax-1 dynamic-let dynamic-setq 15 syntax-1 dynamic-setq generic-lambda 5 mop-gf0 generic-lambda get-global-register 5 boot0 get-global-register last 5 syntax-1 last let/cc 4 syntax-1 let/cc method-function-lambda 6 mop-meth0 method-function-lambda method-lambda 3 mop-meth0 method-lambda named-method-function-lambda 10 mop-meth0 named-method-function-lambda not 9 syntax-1 not or 8 boot0 or return-from 14 syntax-1 return-from set-global-register 6 boot0 set-global-register throw 17 syntax-1 throw time-execution 12 syntax-1 time-execution unless 7 boot0 unless unwind-protect 8 syntax-1 unwind-protect when 2 boot0 when while 10 syntax-1 while with-handler 3 syntax-1 with-handler with-input-file 7 stream0 with-input-file with-input-file-of-path 3 stream0 with-input-file-of-path with-lock 6 stream0 with-lock with-output-file 2 stream0 with-output-file with-sink 5 stream0 with-sink with-source 4 stream0 with-source --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Bindings in /home/dm2/henry/EuLisp/EuLisp/Lib.x86_64/u2/libeval ---------------------------------------------------------------------------