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euxlisp - EuLisp Level 0 interpreter


euxlisp [ command-line switches ] [ files ... ]


euxlisp is a small EuLisp Level 0 interpeter, based on David Michael Betz’ xscheme. Mostly compliant with the EuLisp definition 0.99, with a few Schemeisms still present.


The following options are of general interest:
-h, --help
display usage information.
-q, --quiet
quiet mode: print no messages, prompts or values. Useful when using euxlisp as a filter or other agent.
-n, --no-lisp-image
do not read in the initial Lisp image.
-N, --no-sys-calls
disables system and various other function calls.
-s file, --script file
read and execute script file, skipping its first line. Useful for #!/bin/euxlisp --script and the like in shell scripts.
-m file, --module file
read and execute module from file.
-i file, --image file
read the given image file rather than the default.
-t, --trace
switch on byte-code level tracing.

Other args are not interpreted, but are available though getarg (see below)


The module that contains all the useful stuff (e.g., cons and friends) is called level-0: if you import no modules, you get nothing at all, not even special forms. So a typical module looks like
(defmodule foo
   (syntax (syntax-0)
    import (level-0 ...))
and should be in a file named foo.em

There are keywords (unbindable, unassignable, self-evaluating symbols), e.g.,

(defclass foo ()
  ((a default: 99
      keyword: a:
      accessor: foo-a))
  constructor: (make-foo a:))

Try (describe xx) for information on object xx, and (class-hierarchy) to see all the classes.

Some useful other tools include:

and putenv to get and set environment variables.
to get nth arg passed to euxlisp.
to leave euxlisp

In case of error, there is a simple error loop. When in the loop type help: for extra information.


a colon-separated list of directory names: where to look for the initial EuLisp image (generally named \uxlisp.wks). euxlisp searches these first, then a system-installed path.
a colon-separated list of directory names: where to look for EuLisp modules. euxlisp searches these first, then a system-installed path (which generally contains the current directory).


If euxlisp starts

up in module root then it is a good bet that it couldn’t find the image

file euxlisp.wks

There are a few differences between euxlisp and the EuLisp Level 0 definition, but as both are still changing it’s futile to list them.

See Also

The latest EuLisp definition PDF available from:
Online HTML version available from:
EuLisp and EuXLisp Introduction:
Original Euscheme Starter Notes:
Also useful:
Lisp and Symbolic Computation, special edition on EuLisp,
vol. 6, nos. 1-2, August 1993, R Kessler, ed.

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