
Table of Contents

1 Copyright

Youtoo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Youtoo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Youtoo in the file COPYING. If not, see

2 General

See EuLisp.

3 Features

  • ~/.eulrc.${ARCH}
    For private customisation, put a copy of .eulrc.${ARCH} in your home directory. For example, remove the optimisation flag of the C compiler.
  • EuLisp Module Files
    Have the extension .em.
    • EuLisp Language Level-1
      Level-1 is provided by the library liblevel-1.a. Standard syntax operators are defined in the module syntax-1. Thus, the default module body looks like this:
      (defmodule foo
        (syntax (syntax-1)
         import (level-1))
        )  ;; end of module
  • Pretty Printing
    The function pprint provides generic pretty printing.
  • Main
    There is no main entry function Top-level forms in modules are executed with with respect to the module hierarchy. Global variables *argc* and *argv* are provided.
  • Standard Bindings
    See Doc/bindings.txt for a list of standard bindings.
  • Module Compilation
    The compiler checks before compiling a module which (directly and indirectly) imported modules really need to be (re)compiled. This feature can be switched off with -no_recompile.
  • Standard C foreign-functions
    in Youtoo/include/eulisp.h
    • Data conversion from EuLisp to C:
      int     eul_fpi_as_c_int(LispRef x);
      int     eul_bool_as_c_bool(LispRef x);
      double  eul_double_as_c_double(LispRef x);
      LispRef eul_fpi_as_dbl(LispRef x);
      char    eul_char_as_c_char(LispRef x);
      char    *eul_string_as_c_string(LispRef x);
      char    *eul_symbol_as_c_string(LispRef x);
    • Data conversion from C to EuLisp:
      LispRef c_int_as_eul_fpi(int x);
      LispRef c_bool_as_eul_bool(bool x)
      LispRef c_char_as_eul_char(char x);
    • Creating symbols and keywords:
      eul_intern_symbol(LispRef loc, char *str);
      eul_intern_keyword(LispRef loc, char *str);
    • EuLisp data allocation:
      eul_allocate_int(LispRef loc, int x);
      eul_allocate_double(LispRef loc, double x);
      eul_allocate_char(LispRef loc, char x);
      eul_allocate_string(LispRef loc, char *str);
      eul_allocate_cons(LispRef loc, LispRef x, LispRef y);
      eul_allocate_vector(LispRef loc,int n, LispRef init);
      eul_allocate_object(LispRef loc, LispRef class, LispRef n, LispRef init);
    • EuLisp constants:
      LispRef eul_nil;
      LispRef eul_t;
    • EuLisp data access:
      LispRef eul_car(LispRef x);
      LispRef eul_cdr(LispRef x);
      LispRef eul_slot_ref(LispRef x, int i);
      LispRef eul_symbol_name(LispRef x);
      LispRef eul_keyword_name(LispRef x);
      LispRef eul_class_of(LispRef x);
      LispRef eul_size_of(LispRef x);
      LispRef eul_string_size(LispRef x);
    • EuLisp data predicates:
      int eul_null(LispRef x);
      int eul_is_symbol(LispRef x);
      int eul_is_keyword(LispRef x);
      int eul_is_int(LispRef x);
      int eul_is_double(LispRef x);
      int eul_is_char(LispRef x);
      int eul_is_string(LispRef x);
      int eul_is_cons(LispRef x);
      int eul_is_list(LispRef x);
      int eul_is_gf(LispRef x);
      int eul_is_lambda(LispRef x);
      int eul_is_operator(LispRef x);
  • Using the foreign-function interface
    Uses automatic converters. Here is an example how atoi can be used from Lisp:
    (defextern atoi (<string>) <fpi>)

    If the desired external function foo is in library libbar.a and should be called baz in Lisp the following defining form is necessary:

    (defextern baz (...) ... "foo")

    To link the library libbar.a, put a copy of .eulrc.${ARCH} in your home directory and add -lbar to the list of $CLIBS; the library path must be given with -L<bar-path> in the list of $CFLAGS.

    • Automatic type conversion
      The following automatic converters are available:
      LispC (C99)

      The ptr converter can be used to pass arbitrary C99 structures to Lisp, so that they can be passed back to C at a later stage. The ptr converter is also useful to pass a Lisp object unconverted to C99.

    • defextern
      defextern definitions can not be linked dynamically.
      Foreign in-calls have to use the DEFINTERN() syntax operator. Examples for in/out-calls to/from Lisp can be found in the directories Examples/Misc, Examples/Fortran, and Examples/C++.
  • Macro expansion
    is un-hygienic.
  • EuLisp Scripts
    Use #!../youtoo –script/ to write EuLisp scripts (see Examples/Misc/script.em).
  • Inter-operation with other languages
    The examples in directory C++ and Fortran show how to interoperate with these languages.
  • List operators
    Arithmetic functions +, - and / operate as set union, difference and intersection on lists.
  • Examples
    Directory Examples contains modules for explanation and reuse.
  • Bindings
    The current set of supported bindings in Youtoo are in the file bindings.txt

4 Modules

5 Bootstrapping

Building Youtoo from the EuLisp sources is termed "bootstrapping". This requires a working installation which is used to compile the EuLisp source modules. The default directory path to the bootstrapping installation is ${EUL_DIR}.boot, i.e. .boot appended to the path of the current directory. Note that if the bootstrapping installation directory is renamed or moved the configure script should be executed in it after the move to correct the paths. The working directory can be "cleaned" for bootstrapping using make boot-clean and then the "bootstrapping" build process started with make boot. If all goes well a complete clean build will result.

This process allows changes and developments to be made to the Youtoo implementation of EuLisp.

  • Limitations
    Currently the dependency analysis is not sufficient to cover all the possible ways in which the changes to the EuLisp modules in Youtoo interact and the rebuilds required to create a consistent Youtoo executable. Thus to be sure of success make boot-clean maybe required before every make boot.
  • Notes
    The syntax files _.*0.em are used to enable the transition between old and new function names during the bootstrapping process. If functions change which affect the syntax files first change the non "_" versions, bootstrap-build then update the .boot version with the current, update the "_" versions to correspond to the non "_" versions and bootstrap-build again. This ensures a consistent final version.

6 Recent Developments

  • Support for 64bit Operation
    The main change to support 64bit pointers is that on such architectures the Instruction is a 16bit integer rather than an 8bit char so that 4 Instructions still fit exactly in a pointer. This allows most of the stack pointer incrementing to remain unchanged. However, a very large number of small changes were also necessary. The C-files are compatible between the 32bit and 64bit versions.
  • C99 Compliance
    The code is now C99 compliant and uses C99 data types and constructs so a C99 compiler is required e.g. gcc-4.?.?.
  • Rationalisation of the Makefiles
    The Makefiles have been rationalised and simplified by using many features in the GNU version of make, gmake which is now required to build youtoo.
  • The start of the EuLisp-1.0 compliance process
    Many small changes to improve consistency between the Youtoo implementation and the EuLisp-0.99 definition and the documents relating to the creation of EuLisp-1.0.

7 To Do

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