The following terms are general in that they could be applied to the definition of any programming language. They are derived from ISO/IEC TR 10034: 1990.
Host and target computers, any operating systems(s) and software (run-time system) used to operate a language processor.
Statement that is not part of the language definition but that specifies requirements for compliance with the language standard.
Program which is written in the language defined by the language standard and which obeys all the conformity clauses for programs in the language standard.
Processor which processes conforming programs and program units and which obeys all the conformity clauses for processors in the language standard.
Incorrect program construct or incorrect functioning of a program as defined by the language standard.
Facility in the processor that is not specified in the language standard but that does not cause any ambiguity or contradiction when added to the language standard.
Specific to the processor, but required by the language standard to be defined and documented by the implementer.
Compiler, translator or interpreter working in combination with a configuration.