An Introduction to EuLisp, EuXLisp and Youtoo

Table of Contents

1 EuLisp index

2 Introduction

This introduction to EuLisp is based on the Euscheme notes written by Russell Bradford. Much of the text remains more or less unchanged but reformatted in Org-mode and exported as HTML. Also some changes have been made and continue to be made to keep this document consistent with the evolving EuLisp definition and EuXLisp and Youtoo implementations.

EuXLisp is a simple EuLisp Level 0 interpreter. EuLisp Level 0 is a small and compact Lisp, but nevertheless has many interesting features, such as modules, an object system, and multithreading. EuLisp Level 1 has extra features, the most notable being a full metaobject system which are implemented in Youtoo. This introduction to EuLisp using EuXLisp and Youtoo concentrates on those things unique to EuLisp rather than covering basic Lisp concepts which are already covered well in many texts.

3 Running EuXLisp

  • Setting environment variables
    EuXLisp need two paths: where to look for the compiled image, and where to look for modules to load:
    • Image
      First euxlisp checks the environment variable EU_IMAGE_PATH (a colon separated list of directory names), then a builtin path, set from IMAGE_SEARCH_PATH in the Makefile.
    • Modules
      ditto for environment variable EU_MODULE_PATH, then builtin MODULE_SEARCH_PATH (e.g., you might want to provide a set of system supplied modules).
    • Default settings
      The default built-in settings should work for a default build with the files in their default locations.
  • Running Interactively
    • Bin.${ARCH}/euxlisp

    without options to start the EuXLisp interpreter which will print the banner and prompt:

    EuXLisp (formally EuScheme) - Version 0.991
    Reading readline history from ${HOME}/.eulisp_history

    where the final line is the prompt. EuXLisp uses the usual read-eval-print cycle of interactive Lisps: type something, it will be evaluated, and the result printed. To exit, use


    and (usually) ^D will work, too.

  • Executing a module
    To execute the module fact in file fact.em run
    • echo "(!> fact)" | ../../Bin.${ARCH}/euxlisp -q

    The echo pipes the load module !> command to the interpreter. In the future there will be a command-line option to execute a module directly.

4 Running Youtoo

  • Options
    to see the command-line options type
    Bin.x86_64/youtoo --help
    Usage: youtoo [OPTION]... [FILE]...
      -h --help               Print this usage information.
      -V --version            Print current release.
      -p --params             Print current parameter setting.
         --load-path dir      Add dir to load path.
      -c --c-module           Create C linkable module file only.
         --stand-alone        Create a stand-alone application.
         --archive            Create C linkable library file.
      -l --library lib        Link with library lib.
      -L --library-path dir   Add dir to library load path.
         --fff file           Provide C foreign function file.
         --ffl lib            Provide C foreign function library lib.
      -o --object file        Generated object file.
      -O --object-dir dir     Set destination directory for object files to dir.
      -s --script file        Read and execute script from file.
      -m --module module-name Read and execute module from file module-name.em.
      -q --quiet              Print no messages, prompts or values..
      -v --verbose            Set verbose mode.
         --no-warnings        Set no warning messages.
         --no-errors          Set no error messages.
         --no-else            Set no warning for if without else.
         --redefine           Redefine imported bindings.
         --no-inline          Ignore inline declarations.
         --stop-after phase   Stop after specified compilation phase (e.g. read).
         --recompile          Recompile imported modules.
         --no-recompile       No automatic recompilation of imports.
         --no-gc              Link without garbage collection library.
         --cc cc              Set C compiler to cc.
         --ld ld              Set C linker to ld.
         --ar-cmd ar          Set C ar command to ar.
         --ranlib-cmd ranlib  Set C ranlib command to ranlib.
         --cflags             Set ddditional C flags.
         --static             Link with static libraries.
      -g --debug              Generate C debug information.
      -i --interpret          Set interpretation mode.
         --no-ct-handlers     Set no compile-time error handling.
  • Running Interactively
    • Bin.${ARCH}/youtoo

    which will print the banner and prompt:

    EuLisp System Youtoo - Version 0.991'
    Reading readline history from ${HOME}/.eulisp_history

    where the final line is the prompt. Youtoo uses the usual read-eval-print cycle of interactive Lisps: type something, it will be evaluated, and the result printed. For help type

    user> help:
    load: <file-name>          evaluate file expressions
    ?                          previous value
    lexical-bindings:          show lexical environment
    verbose:                   run verbose
    silent:                    run silent
    trace: <function-name>     trace function invocation
    untrace: <functon-name>    stop tracing function invocation
    backtrace:                 show backtrace
    values:                    show stack values
    continue:                  continue computation
    reset:                     resume from all errors
    resume:                    resume from previous error
    [Ctrl-d]                   exit interpreter or resume from previous error
    [Ctrl-c]                   interrupt computation
    [Ctrl-z]                   suspend interpreter
    exit:                      exit interpreter
    -> #<file-stream: stdout>

    to exit type

  • Compiling
    In directory Examples/Misc run
    • Bin.${ARCH}/youtoo fact -l level-1

    to compile module fact into a stand-alone executable. With shared libraries the executable should be less the 40K.

5 Constants

There are the usual self-evaluating bits and pieces:

  • strings: in double quotes "hello"
  • numbers: integers and floating point 1234 and 3.1415
  • characters: preceded by #\ as in #\c for the character 'c'
  • vectors: delimited by #( and ) as in #(1 a (3)) which is a vector of length 3, containing an integer, a symbol, and a list.

6 Lists and Vectors

Lists are created with the usual cons, list and quoted forms '(1 2 3). Use car and cdr to access the elements.

A vector is created by the function make-vector as in

(make-vector 4)

which creates a vector of length 4, indexed from 0 to 3, all elements initialised to be ()s. In fact, make-vector can take a second argument

(make-vector 4 0)

which creates a vector as before, with all elements initialised to 0.

To access a vector element use (vector-ref vec index); to update use ((setter vector-ref) vec index newval). See below for details about the setter function.

Take care with the creation of vectors: (make-vector 3 #(0 0 0)) will create a vector of three slots, all initialised to the same eq value.

7 Expressions

As is usual, anything that is not a constant is an expression to be evaluated, and those things marked by a quote are deemed to be constant. Thus

(+ 1 2)

is an expression to be evaluated, while

'(+ 1 2)

is a constant list of 3 elements (modifying constant lists has an undefined effect, so it's best not to do so). EuLisp has both progn to collect together several expressions into a single expression, and let for the declaration of local variables.



(let ((var val)
      (var val)

(Semantics: evaluate all the vals first, then make the bindings to the corresponding vals. Thus the vals cannot refer to the vars. Use let*

(let* ((var1 val1)
       (var2 val2)

with semantics of evaluate val1, bind to var1, evaluate val2, bind to var2, etc., if you need to refer back to previous values.)

The values of these expressions are the values of their last exprs. Named let and let* are also supported.

Numbers have the usual syntax: 123, 1.23 and 1.2e4. Additionally, you can enter integers in base 2: #b101010, base 8: #o7654, base 16: #x12ab, and any other base up to 36: #23r12gd for a base 23 integer.

The full syntax of symbols is somewhat tricky, but "alphanumerics, starting with a letter" is certainly OK. Dodgy characters, such as space, or a leading digit can be escaped with a \. A multiple character escape is introduced and ended by |. Within the confines of these delimiters any character is fine, except that \| is interpreted as a literal |, and \\ as a literal \.

All the following are the same symbol:

\1\ 23
|1 |23
|1 23|
|1 |2|3|
|1 |2\3
\1| |2||3

Their canonical form is |1 23|.

8 Conditionals

EuLisp has the usual (if boolexpr trueexpr falseexpr) (always with both trueexpr and falseexpr), and the cond form. The single false value in EuLisp is (): anything else is deemed to be true. t is bound to the symbol t, providing a convenient canonical true value. Additional conditional forms include

(when boolexpr

where the exprs are evaluated when the condition is true and the result of the last returned otherwise () is returned; and

(unless boolexpr

where the exprs are evaluated when the condition is false and the result of the last returned otherwise () is returned.

9 Assignment

setq as usual:

(setq foo 2)

It's also good to define module-local variables:

(deflocal foo 2)

You can omit the initial value if you want. The deflocal form should only be used at the top level (i.e., never inside a function definition or a let).

10 Defining Functions

Here we use defun.

(defun len (l)
  (if (null l)
      (+ 1 (len (cdr l)))))

EuLisp is fully tail-recursive, so a function written in a tail-recursive way uses no stack:

(defun foo (n)
  (print n)
  (foo (+ n 1)))

will run forever.

Variable arity functions are available, too:

(defun bar (a b .  c)
  (list a b c))

can take 2 or more arguments. The first two arguments are bounds to a and b as usual, the rest are made into a list which is bound to c. Thus (bar 1 2 3 4 5) prints (1 2 (3 4 5)), and (bar 99 100) prints (99 100 ()).

11 Arithmetic

All the usual stuff here. Functions +, -, * and /, abs, sin, exp and so on. Use (pow a b) to raise a to power b. Additionally, the basic arithmetic ops have variable arity:

(+)         -> 0
(+ 1)       -> 1
(+ 1 2)     -> 3
(+ 1 2 3)   -> 6
(- 1)       -> -1
(* 1 2 3 4) -> 24

and so on.

12 Modules

Now for something a little different. The basic unit of a program in EuLisp is the module. Modules provide a way of fixing the global namespace pollution problem: each module has its very own namespace. A module can import names from other modules, and can export names too.

Here is a simple module:

(defmodule one
  (syntax (syntax-0)
   import (level-0))

  (defun foo ...)
  (defun bar ...)
  (deflocal baz ...)

  (export foo baz)

The module one imports from the system module named level-0. This module contains all the useful stuff like cons, car, defun, + and so on. In fact, it's generally a good idea to import the level-0 module, otherwise you can't actually do anything.

In module one we define a few name, like foo, bar and baz, and export foo and baz. Now any module that imports one can access foo and baz, but bar is completely hidden from everyone.

If now, we have

(defmodule two
  (syntax (syntax-0)
   import (level-0 one))


the module two imports one (and level-0), so two can refer to foo and baz from one. If two uses a name bar, it is its own bar, and has nothing to do with the bar in one.

  • Modules in EuLisp
    EuXLisp and Youtoo require each module to be in a file of its own: thus one should be in a file named one.em (for EuLisp module), and two in two.em. To enter a module, use
    (!> one)

    which will load one if it is not already loaded, and will set the current module to be one. This is indicated by the prompt

    user> (!> one)
    <reading one.em>
    <read one.em>

    Now the read-eval-print loop acts on bindings in the one module. Use (!> user) to switch back to the original module.

    To re-load a module (after, say, changing the file) use (!>> one).

    Modules can rename and filter on import (not yet on export). Use level-0.em for all the basic stuff, e.g.,

    (defmodule mymod
      (syntax (syntax-0)
       import (level-0))

    If you import no modules, you get nothing—not even special forms! See Modules/rename.em.

    Look at directory Modules for a few examples (the basic EuLisp functionality in the modules in EuXLisp/Boot are written the scheme-like syntax of xscheme).

13 Errors and the Debug Loop

When you make an error, EuLisp will call an error handler. The full use of error handlers is too tricky for an introductory set of notes, so we shall rely on the default (built-in) handler. In EuXLisp an error puts the system into a simple debugging loop:

user> qwerty
Continuable error---calling default handler:
Condition class is #<class unbound-error>
message:        "variable unbound in module 'user'"
value:          qwerty

Debug loop.  Type help: for help
Broken at #<Code #1008a768>


There is a lot of information here, and you should look carefully at what EuXLisp is telling you.

In this case, the call of error is an 'unbound-error', i.e., reference to an undefined variable. The message gives an English description of the error, while the value fills in some details, so it is the variable named qwerty that is at fault.

Another error:

user> (car 5)
Continuable error---calling default handler:
Condition class is #<class bad-type>
message:        "incorrect type in car"
value:          5
expected-type:  #<class cons>

Debug loop.  Type help: for help
Broken at #<Code #100820a8>


This is a 'bad-type' error, where the function car was expecting a different type of argument; it got a 5, where it was expecting something of class cons, i.e., some sort of list.

The prompt becomes DEBUG> to indicate we are in the debug loop. In this loop things act as normal, except we have some additional functions to play with. Type help: to get

Debug loop.
top:                                return to top level
resume:  or  (resume: val)          resume from error
bt:                                 backtrace
locals:                             local variables
cond:                               current condition
up:  or  (up: n)                    up one or n frames
down:  or  (down: n)                down one or n frames
where:                              current function

The most useful of these is top:, which clears up the error and returns us to the top-level read-eval-print loop; and bt: which gives us a backtrace, i.e., a list of the function calls and their arguments that took us to where we are now. (Note that, as EuLisp is tail recursive, EuXLisp does not save all the return addresses of the functions that it travels through, so the backtrace may omit certain intermediate function calls.)

In a debug loop ^D will act as resume:, which is to try to carry on from the point of error. Debug loops can be nested.

14 Classes and Generic Functions

EuLisp has a full object system. At Level 0, it is a simple, non-reflective system, comparable to C++'s class system. Every object in EuLisp has a class, which is itself a first-class object: this means that classes are supported at the same level as any other object in the system, and can be created, passed to functions, returned from functions, and so on. For example, the integer 1 has class <integer> (or rather, has a class with name <integer>).

In fact, EuXLisp has (class-of 1) to be <fpi> (for fixed point integer), which is a subclass of <integer>.

Classes are fully-fledged objects, so they have a class, too

(class-of <integer>) -> #<class class>

the print representation of the class <class>. Finally, (class-of <class>) is <class> itself, or else we would need an infinite tower of classes.

To make an instance of a class, use make

(make <cons> car: 1 cdr: 2) -> (1 .  2)

The keywords (symbols whose names end with colons) indicate how to fill in the various slots of the instance of the class. The keywords can be in any order, and can be omitted if not necessary: though some classes have slots with required keywords. This means that instances of such classes must have certain information passed to make in order to succeed. Some classes are abstract, and you cannot make instances of them. They are there purely for other classes to inherit from. The class <list> is abstract, while its subclass <cons> is concrete.

It is simple to create new classes by the use of defclass.

(defclass <rat> ()
   ((num keyword: num:
         default: 0
         accessor: num)
    (den keyword: den:
         default: 1
         accessor: den))
    predicate: rat?
    constructor: (rat num: den:))

There are many parts to explain.

This form defines a new class named <rat>. Classes in EuLisp are conventionally noted by the use of angle brackets <>, but they are just normal names. The () next is the list of classes for <rat> to inherit from. In EuLisp Level 0, there is only single inheritance, so this should be a list of at most one class. Any empty list indicates some suitable default super-class.

Next is a list of slot descriptions. Each has a slot name first, then a list of slot options. The slot options are identified by keywords which can come in any order, and can be omitted it you don't want them.

The slot options are:

  • keyword: a keyword to use in a make of the class instance.
  • default: a default value to put in the slot if a value is not passed via the keyword.
  • accessor: a name that will be bound to functions to read and write the slot. In the above example, num will name a function to read the num slot in an instance of <rat>. Similarly, (setter num) will be a function to write to such a slot. See setters.
  • reader: a name for a slot reader.
  • writer: a name for a slot writer.
  • required?: use required?: t to indicate a required slot. This slot must have a =keyword: keyword=!

The accessor:, reader: and writer: options can be repeated as many times as you wish with different names.

Next come the class options. Again, in any order or omitted.

  • predicate: a symbol to name a function that will return true on an instance of the class, and false on all other objects.
  • constructor: a way to name a function to make an instance of the class. In this case, rat will name a function of two arguments that makes an instance of <rat>. The first argument will be given to the num: keyword, the second to the den:. This is equivalent to defining
    (defun rat (n d)
      (make <rat> num: n den: d))

    As usual, you can reorder or leave out bits as you feel.

  • abstract?: t to indicate that this class is abstract, and no direct instances can be made.

The class options predicate: and constructor: can be repeated.

To see all the currently defined classes in EuXLisp use (class-hierarchy). Other useful functions include class-superclasses, class-subclasses and class-slots.

  • Generic Functions
    Generic functions are (again) first-class objects in EuLisp, constructed by defgeneric. Methods are added to them by defmethod (unlike some other systems, a generic function must be created by defgeneric before defmethod will work.)
    (defgeneric foo (a b))
    (defmethod foo ((a <integer>) (b <integer>))
      (list 'int 'int))
    (defmethod foo ((x <float>) (y <float>))
      (list 'float 'float))

    This defines a generic of two arguments, and two methods. So

    (foo 4 5)     -> (int int)
    (foo 1.0 2.0) -> (float float)
    (foo 2 2.0)   -> error, "no applicable methods"

    The methods discriminate off all the arguments, working left to right. Adding another method

    (defmethod foo ((n <number>) (m <number>))
      (list 'num 'num))

    we get (foo 2 2.0) -> (num num). Generally the most specific method for a given set of arguments is the method that is executed in a generic call. The next most specific method can be invoked by using (call-next-method) in the body of the current method.

15 Threads

EuLisp supports multiple threaded programming by supplying some basic thread primitives.

To make a thread use

(make-thread fn)

which returns a thread object (another first-class object). The fn is the function that the thread will start executing when it and when starts running.

A thread will not run until it is started

(thread-start thr arg arg ...)

This function takes a thread thr and starts executing the function fn (from make-thread) on the arguments arg. That is, it starts executing (fn arg arg ...).

Or it would start executing the thread if there were enough processors to do so. As is most likely, the thread is simply marked as ready to run whenever the resource is available. The EuLisp model requires the programmer to write in such a manner that does not presume any particular number of processors are available. Even if there is just one processor, the program should be written to work. To aid this, there is the function


which will suspend the current thread, and allow another to run in its place. If there are enough processors so that all threads are running, then thread-reschedule could have no effect at all.

An single-threaded implementation such as EuXLisp requires a sprinkling of thread-reschedules for a parallel program to work.

Threads are often used for their effect, but they can also return a value.

(thread-value thr)

will suspend the calling thread (and allow another to run in its place) until the thread thr returns a value (and returns what the thr returned). A thread can return a value simply by returning from its initial function (fn, above).

  • Semaphores
    EuLisp provides simple binary semaphores, named locks, with functions make-lock to make one, lock to gain a semaphore, and unlock to release.

    Locking a locked lock will suspend the calling thread (and allow another to run) until some other thread releases the lock.

16 Input and Output

  • read to read a Lisp expression.
  • write write to standard output in a way that can be re-read if possible. Thus, for example, strings are quoted.
  • prin print to standard output in a human-friendly manner. Strings and such are not quoted. Compare
    (prin "asd")    prints: asd
    (write "asd")   prints: "asd"
  • print as prin, with a newline.
  • Print and write functions are n-ary:
    (prin "one = " 1 ", two = " 2)    prints: one = 1, two = 2
    (write "one = " 1 ", two = " 2)   prints: "one = "1", two = "2
  • newline output a newline.

All of the above have variants beginning with an 's' which take a stream to print on as the first argument.

For stream manipulation:

  • open-input-file takes a string, and opens and returns a corresponding stream for input. Returns () if not such file exists.
  • open-output-file creates a file if it didn't already exist.
  • open-update-file opens for append.
  • get-file-position and (setter get-file-position) move the file pointer in a file opened for update.
  • close-stream closes an open stream.
  • Format
    A more complicated printing function is sformat, which is somewhat akin to C's printf.
    (sformat stream format-string arg arg ...)

    The variants format and fmt do not take a stream argument and the former prints to standard output and the latter returns the formatted output as a string.

    The format string is copied to the output, except that ~ marks an escape (like C's %):

    • ~a output the next arg using prin
    • ~s output the next arg using write
    • ~% output a newline
    • ~~ output a ~
    • ~c output a character
    • ~d output an integer
    • ~e ~f, ~g floating point formats
    • ~t output a tab

    There are other escapes to write integers in other bases, output new pages, and so on.

    fmt can be used with the n-ary print and write functions to write complex formatted output statements in a more readable form that using format \e.g.\

    (print "one = " 1 ", x = " (fmt "~e" 0.000002)) prints: one = 1, x = 2.000000e-06

17 Defining Syntax

EuLisp employs the usual backquoted template style for defining new syntax (macros).

(defsyntax first (x)
  `(car ,x))

Note that a new syntax operator cannot be used in the module where it is defined: a module must be fully syntax-expanded before it can be compiled. If you don't know what is and what isn't a syntax operator beforehand, it is very difficult to do this. Thus a module containing

(defsyntax second (x)
   `(cadr ,x))

(defun foo (x) (+ 1 (second x)))

is doomed to failure by this restriction.

There is a wrinkle in the way that syntax operators interact with modules: suppose a syntax form expands into something that refers to bindings that are not imported into the current module?

(defmodule one
  (syntax (syntax-0)
   import (level-0))

  (defsyntax foo (x)
     `(car (bar ,x)))

  (defun bar (a) ...)

  (export foo)

Here the module one exports foo only, but foo expands into a reference to bar.

(defmodule two
  (syntax (syntax-0)
   import (level-0))

  (foo 4)

In the syntax expansion of module two, a reference to bar would appear, but bar is not defined in two. Worse, maybe bar was defined in two: which bar does the syntax expanded form refer to? The bar from one or the bar from two?

The answer is "the right bar", that is that bar in the module of syntax definition, not the bar in the module of syntax use. EuLisp takes care of all of this transparently for you: essentially every symbol remembers which module it was defined in, and always refers back to that module for its value.

This provides a simple solution to the "macro hygene" problem that has always plagued Lisp macros.

Sometimes you do want a symbol to be captured in the module of use: EuXLisp provides a facility to allow you to do this.

(defsyntax while (test .  body)
  `(let/cc {break}
       ((loop ()
          (when ,test

The symbol loop cannot be captured by the code in body, while the symbol break is intended to be captured. The curly braces about the symbol indicates that it is to be interpreted as coming from the module of use, not the module of definition. Thus, a reference to break in the body will refer to the binding in the let/cc.

Notice that (eq 'break '{break}) -> t. As symbols they are eq, but as identifiers they are quite different.

18 Miscellany

  • Keywords
    There are keywords (unbindable, unassignable, self-evaluating symbols), e.g.,
    (defclass foo ()
      ((a default: 99
          keyword: a:
          accessor: foo-a))
      constructor: (make-foo a:))
  • Comparisons
    EuLisp has the usual tests for equality:
    • eq for identity
    • eql for identity integers and characters
    • binary= generic function with methods for most types
    • === n-ary equality which calls binary= for each pair

    Note that

    (eql 1 1.0)  -> ()
    (= 1 1.0)      -> t

    There is also the usual <, <=, >, >=, which are n-ary:

    (< a b c ...)

    returns t when a, b, c, etc., form a strictly increasing sequence. Similarly <= for a non-decreasing sequence, and so on.

  • Generic Arithmetic
    The arithmetic operators + and so on are all n-ary, i.e., take a variable number of arguments. Each operator is defined in terms of a binary generic function: binary+ for +, binary* for *, etc. The n-ary form is just a repeated application of the binary form
    (+ a b c ...) = ((..(binary+ (binary+ a b) c) ...))

    Methods can be added to the binary operators

    (defmethod binary+ ((a <symbol>) (b <symbol>))

    and then you can use + to add symbols: (+ 'a 'b 'c).

    There are also generic functions unary- and unary/ for the unary (- x) and (/ x) (reciprocal).

    Similarly, the comparators <, >, <= etc., are all defined in terms of the two generic functions binary< and binary=.

  • Local Functions
    Just like let introduces local variables, the letfuns form can introduce local functions.
      ((foo (a b)
         ...  (bar a) ...  )
       (bar (x)
         ...  (foo x (bar x)) ...  ))
      (foo 3 4)

    The letfuns takes a list of function definitions. They may be self and mutually recursive. These functions may be used within the body of the letfuns just like global functions. Iterating functions are often most conveniently written in terms of letfuns as the bodies of the function definitions can refer to local variables:

    (let ((a 1))
        ((addit (x)
           (if (null x)
               (cons (+ a (car x)) (addit (cdr x))))))
        (addit '(1 2 3))))
    (2 3 4)
  • Mapping and Collections
    There are several functions supplied to iterate along collections. Collections include lists, vectors, strings, and tables.

    The generic function map takes a function and a collection

    (map list '(1 2 3))   -> ((1) (2) (3))
    (map - #(4 5 6))      -> #(-4 -5 -6)

    or more than one collection

    (map cons '(a b c) '(A B C))     -> ((a .  A) (b .  B) (c .  C))
    (map + #(1 2 3) #(10 10 10 10))  -> #(11 12 13)

    The mapping stops when any collection runs out. Even a mixture will work

    (map * '(2 4 6) #(1 -1 1))  -> (2 -4 6)
    (map * #(2 4 6) '(1 -1 1))  -> #(2 -4 6)

    The type of collection returned is the same as the first collection argument.

    If you don't need a return value, but are iterating purely for effect, use do

    (do print '(1 2 3))

    Other iterators include accumulate

    (accumulate list () #(a b c))      -> (((() a) b) c)
    (accumulate * 1 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))  -> 5040

    which takes a function, an initial value, an a collection to iterate over.

    You can find the size of any collection using the function size. This returns the length of a list of string, number of elements of a vector, and so on. It can be reversed by reverse; an element removed by remove (non-destructive) or by delete (destructive); find an element by (member elt collection). The last three (remove, delete and member) take an optional last argument that is a test for equality: it is this test that is used when looking for an element in the collection. It defaults to eql.

    The function concatenate can be used to join collections:

    (concatenate '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))  -> (1 2 3 4 5 6)
    (concatenate "abc" "def")        -> "abcdef"
    (concatenate '(1 2 3) #(4 5 6))  -> (1 2 3 4 5 6)
  • Loops
    EuLisp doesn't really need loops, as everything can be written in terms of tail recursive functions. However sometimes a simple loop form is more convenient and readable and for this a while loop is provided:
    (while bool

    which loops while the bool returns true.

  • Tables
    EuLisp uses tables for a general association mechanism. EuXLisp and Youtoo implement tables as hash tables, but in general they could be implemented differently.
    • make-table returns a table.
    • (table-ref table key) to retrieve a value, ((setter table-ref) table key value) to update.
    • (table-delete key) to remove a value.
    • table-keys to get a list of current keys.
    • table-values to get a list of current values.
    • table-clear to completely empty a table.

    When looking for a match to a key in a table, the system defaults to eql. You can change this by using (make-table comparator), where comparator is eq or eql or binary= or ===.

    If a value is not found for a particular key in the table () is returned. This can be changed by (make-table comparator fill-value). Now fill-value will be returned on failure.

    The mapping functions above work on tables, too.

  • Non-local exits
    EuLisp supports a limited form of continuation capture via let/cc. This form captures its continuation, and allows its use as a non-local exit.
    (let/cc out
    ;; after

    This stores the continuation (i.e., from 'after') in the variable out. This can be called as a function, whereupon control passes immediately to that continuation. The value of out can only be used in this way in the dynamic scope of the let/cc form: outside the value is 'dead' and no longer usable.

    The continuation function can take a single optional argument which is a value to pass to the continuation: the default is ().

    The forms block and return-from are simply =let/c=c and a call to a continuation:

    (block foo
      (return-from foo)

    The unwind-protect form ensures things are executed even if there is a non-local exit


    This starts by executing the protected-form. If there is no unusual exit from the protected-form, this will then execute the after-forms and will return whatever value the protected-form returned. If there is a non-local exit from the protected-form to a continuation outside the unwind-protect, the after-forms will still be executed before the control passes to the continuation.

  • Setters
    Structures, like lists, vectors and class instances have elements that can be accessed. The elements of a vector can be read by vector-ref. To write to an element use the function (setter vector-ref),
    ((setter vector-ref) vec index val)

    Similarly, the accessor car has an updater (setter car) (often called rplaca in other Lisps), and so on. In general a reader function r will have an associated updater (setter r).

    The function setter is a simple association mechanism: setter is a function that takes a reader and returns the associated writer. To make such an association between functions r and w just use setter again

    ((setter setter) r w)

    In fact, no particular properties of r and w, are used, so this can be used as a general facility. Further, setter functions, generic functions and methods can be defined directly:

    (defun (setter foo) (a b)
  • Convert
    The function convert is used to change an object of one type into an object of another type. Thus to convert an integer to a float
    (convert 1 <float>) -> 1.0

    or the other way

    (convert 2.6 <integer>) -> 2

    Many other conversions are available: integer to string; character to string; string to number; symbol to string; list to vector; and so on.

  • Copying
    There are two functions that copy structures: deep-copy and shallow-copy. The second recursively descends a structure making copies of all the elements in the structure; the first makes a single copy of the top-level structure, and fills its slots will the existing elements:
    (setq a '((1 2) (3 4)))
    (setq d (deep-copy a))
    (eq a d)                  -> ()
    (binary= a d)             -> t
    (eq (car a) (car d))      -> ()
    (setq s (shallow-copy a))
    (eq a s)                  -> ()
    (binary= a s)             -> t
    (eq (car a) (car s))      -> t
  • Other EuXLisp Tools
    • describe gives a little information about an object, e.g., (describe <integer>) or (describe 4)
    • trace can be used to print a message every time a function is entered or exited. Thus
      (trace foo)

      will describe the ins and outs of the function foo. To untrace, use (untrace foo). Use (import "trace") to load trace.

19 Example Modules

EuXLisp provides a few sample modules.

  • Trace
    The trace module has been mentioned above.
  • Linda
    The eulinda module implements the Linda pool mechanism.
    • make-linda-pool returns a new pool
    • (linda-out pool tag val val ...) writes the tuple (val val ...) under the tag to the pool
    • (linda-in pool tag pat pat ...) attempts to read a tuple matching the pattern (pat pat ...) from the pool. If no matching tuple exists in the pool, the call will block until such a tuple appears. When found, the tuple is removed from the pool. A pattern is a literal value, to be matched exactly (? var) to match any value, and assign the matched value to the variable ? to match any value, and to discard the result.
    • linda-read as linda-in but does not remove the tuple from the pool
    • (linda-eval fun arg arg ...) starts a new thread, running the function with the arguments.

    Debugging tools are print-linda-pool to print the curent values in a pool, and (tril t) to print some trace information as the system is running.

    The tag must be a symbol or number.

  • Modular Numbers
    The module modular is a simple implementation of modular integers. The function mod constructs a modular number
    (setq a (mod 3 5))  -> #<3 mod 5>
    (setq b (+ a a))    -> #<1 mod 5>
    (/ a)               -> #<2 mod 5>
  • Scheme
    This module provides a mostly-conformant Scheme environment. It is probably not wise to mix Scheme constructs, such as call/cc, with EuLisp constructs, such as threads.
  • Paralation Lisp
    This emulates a paralation system. The module tpl (for tiny paralation lisp) exports
    • (make-paralation n) to make a new paralation of size n. This returns a index field of the new paralation.
    • elwise is the element-wise operator:
      (elwise (a b) (+ a b))

      where a and b are fields on the same paralation.

    • (match field field) to create a map between fields, and
    • (move field map combine default) to move a field down a map, using combine, (a function taking an appropriate number of arguments) to combine elements that end up at the same element of the target field, and default as the default value for a field element that is not in the image of the map.
  • Values
    This is an emulation of Scheme and Common Lisp's multiple values. The module values exports
    • (values val val ...) as the basic multiple value return
    • call-with-values for the Scheme-like values:
        (lambda () ...)             ; a thunk returning values
        (lambda (a b c ...) ...))   ; that are passed here, bound
                                    ; to a, b, etc.
    • multiple-value-setq; multiple-value-list; multiple-value-call; values-list; multiple-value-bind are all as in Common Lisp.

    If you pass multiple values to a continuation that only expects a single value you will probably get strange results.

  • Sort
    A fast stable merge sort. The module sort exports sort (non-destructive) and sort! (destructive). They are called as (sort l), where l is a list of values to be sorted. The comparison operator used is <. Alternatively, you can use (sort l comp), where comp is a comparator function.

20 EuLisp functions

Here is a summary of the functions available in EuLisp.

  • List functions
  • Numeric comparison functions

21 EuXLisp functions

Here is a summary of the additional functions available in EuXLisp. Those marked '*' are also in Youtoo.

  • List functions
    • append *
    • length -> list-size *
    • list-ref *
  • Vector functions
    • make-vector *
    • vector-length -> vector-size *
    • vector-ref *
  • Predicates
    • list? *
    • function? *
    • input-stream?
    • output-stream?
    • object? *
    • eof-object?
    • default-object?
  • Arithmetic functions
    • random *
  • String functions
    • make-string
    • string-length -> string-size *
    • string-null? -> string-empty? *
    • string-append *
    • string-ref *
    • substring *
  • I/O functions
    • read-char *
    • read-byte
    • read-short
    • read-long
    • write-char
    • write-byte
    • write-short
    • write-long
    • char-ready?
    • peek-char
  • Print control functions
    • print-breadth
    • print-depth
  • File I/O functions
  • utility functions
    • transcript-on
    • transcript-off
    • getarg
    • prompt?
    • exit *
    • compile *
    • decompile
    • gc
    • save
    • restore
  • Debugging functions
    • trace-on
    • trace-off
  • Module functions
    • enter-module
    • !>
    • reenter-module
    • !>>
    • module-symbols
    • module-exports
    • symbol-module
    • current-module
    • module-list
    • unintern
  • Tables
    • make-table
    • table-ref *
    • table-comparator *
    • table-delete
    • table-length
    • table-keys *
    • table-values *
    • table-fill
    • table-clear
  • Plus some others
    • binary
    • text
    • not *
    • prin1
    • princ
    • eval
    • system *
    • getenv *
    • putenv
    • tmpfile
    • current-time
    • backtrace *
    • backtrace?
  • Thread
    • make-thread
    • thread-kill
    • thread-queue
    • thread-state
    • <thread-condition>
    • <thread-error>
    • <thread-already-started>
    • <simple-lock>
    • make-lock
    • <lock-condition>
    • <lock-error>
    • <wait-condition>
    • <wait-error>
    • <wrong-condition-class>
  • Telos
    • <simple-string>
    • <input-stream>
    • <output-stream>
    • <i/o-stream>
    • <simple-vector>
    • <char>
    • <simple-char>
    • <promise>
    • <subr>
    • <continuation>
    • <generic>
    • <simple-generic>
    • class-hierarchy
    • describe
    • class? *
    • subclass? *
  • Converter
    • <conversion-condition>
    • <no-converter>
  • Condition
    • condition-message *
    • condition-value
    • <telos-condition>
    • <telos-error>
    • <telos-general-error>
    • <telos-bad-ref>
    • <no-applicable-method>
    • <no-next-method>
    • <incompatible-method-domain>
    • <arithmetic-condition>
    • <arithmetic-error>
    • <error>
    • <general-error>
    • <bad-type>
    • <unbound-error>
    • <compilation-error>
    • <defsyntax-error>
    • <syntax-error>
    • <user-interrupt>
    • <collection-condition>
    • <collection-error>
  • Syntax expansion
    • expand-syntax
    • expand-syntax-1

22 Command Line Arguments

  • EuXLisp
    • -h, --help Display this usage information.
    • -q, --quiet Print no messages, prompts or values.
    • -n, --no-image Do not read in the initial Lisp image.
    • -N, --no-sys-calls Disable system calls.
    • -s file, --script file Read and execute script from file, see below.
    • -m file, --module file Read and execute module from file.
    • -i file, --image file Read the given image file rather than the default.
    • -t, --trace Switch on byte-code level tracing.

    Other arguments are passed to the intepreter and are available as (getarg 0) (the name of the program), (getarg 1) (first argument), (getarg 2) (second argument), and so on. The function getarg returns () for a non-existent argument.

23 Shell Scripts

  • EuXLisp
    can be used in a shell script by means of the --script flag:
    #!<absolute path>/euxlisp --script
    (print "hello world")

    It is usual to use the -q or --quiet flag to prevent the echo from the read-eval-print loop (the default), and the -N or --no-sys-calls flag to prevent the use of the system function.

    #!/usr/local/bin/euxlisp -qN --script
    (print "hello world")
  • Youtoo
    can also be used in a shell script by means of the --script flag:
    #!<absolute path>/youtoo --script
    (print "hello world")

    See Examples/Misc/script.em.

Author: of original Euscheme notes Russell Bradford

Date: 2010-12-19 16:48:54 GMT

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